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Apical Dumai Celebrates RGE Founder's Day 2024 with a Countenance of Beneficial Events for the Environment and Society
Sabtu, 14 September 2024 - 19:08:28 WIB
Apical Dumai Celebrates RGE Founder
Apical Dumai Celebrates RGE Founder's Day 2024 with a countenance of beneficial events for the environment and society (photo/ist)

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DUMAI - Through its business unit in Dumai, Apical, one of the top vegetable oil processors, will commemorate RGE Founder's Day 2024 on Thursday, December 9, 2024, from August to September, with the theme "Good for Community, Good for Climate."

Kamero Bangun, a representative of Apical Dumai Management "This series of RGE Founder's Day activities is in line with the RGE group's business philosophy, namely 5C, namely Good for Community, Good for Country, Good for Climate, Good for Customers and Good for Company or good for society, good for the country, good for the climate, good for the customer, which is ultimately good for the company.Every year, Apical staff members
who are a part of the RGE group participate in this annual event as a way to give back to the
community for all of the group's accomplishments, notably Apical's."

The planting of mangroves on the beach of the PT Sari Dumai Oleo (SDO) Tersus jetty marked the start of the series of operations on August 31, 2024. Ecoports are port concepts
that are ecologically friendly and take environmental factors into consideration. All Apical staff members and management were present at this mangrove planting event in Dumai.

Additional feeding for expectant mothers in Posyandu Bunga Rampai RT 012, Lubuk Gaung
Village, Sungai Sembilan District, was provided on September 5, 2024, as part of ongoingactivities. Apical Dumai is committed to helping the Dumai City Government reduce stunting by providing extra food in the form of eggs, green beans, and milk.

Apart from that, Apical Dumai also contributes to the world of education by providing education savings assistance for outstanding students at SDN 001 Lubuk Gaung and MIN 01 Dumai which was implemented on September 7 2024. Education savings are provided in the
form of an account book which can later be used for the learning needs of high achieving students. This activity also aims to increase students' motivation to save from an early age.

The philosophy of "Good for Community" is also realized by Apical Dumai in terms of equipment support for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This support has been handed over to the owner of the MSME "Sate Minang Saiyo" located in Lubuk Gaung, on September 11 2024. It is hoped that this assistance can increase motivation and entrepreneurial enthusiasm for MSMEs around the company's operational areas.

Ikrak Muliadi, owner of the MSME "Sate Minang Saiyo" said, "We are very grateful to Apical for its support in developing my business. This assistance really helps me in developing my business.”

On September 12, 2024, the RGE Founder's Day events came to an end with the library building being renovated, character reading books being given out, and educational savings aid being given to exceptional students at SDN 008 Lubuk Gaung.

As a demonstration of Apical's commitment to high-quality education, Apical Dumai is now doing this activity at SDN 008 Lubuk Gaung. Increasing kids' literacy and enthusiasm in reading is another goal of providing reading materials.

Apart from Dumai, RGE Founder's Day activities were also carried out in all Apical operational areas, such as in Jakarta, Padang and Balikpapan. (release)

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