
DPRD Kepulauan Meranti Gelar Rapat Paripurna Penyampaian Pidato Perdana Bupati dan Wakil Bupati 2025-2030
Pekanbaru | Dumai | Inhu | Kuansing | Inhil | Kampar | Pelalawan | Rohul | Bengkalis | Siak | Rohil | Meranti

APRIL Group Presents the World's First Cloned Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI), a Sustainable Forest Solution
Selasa, 04 Maret 2025 - 15:33:58 WIB
The Kerinci Tissue Culture Lab (KTC), owned by APRIL Group, has the capacity to produce approximately 1,000 seedlings per day. (Photo credit: APRIL Group).
The Kerinci Tissue Culture Lab (KTC), owned by APRIL Group, has the capacity to produce approximately 1,000 seedlings per day. (Photo credit: APRIL Group).

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PEKANBARU – Sustainable management of production forests is becoming more crucial in maintaining ecological balance and promoting green economic development.

One of the main innovations in the forestry sector is tissue culture technology which enables rapid and efficient plant propagation.

This tissue culture technology is now an integral part of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) management in Indonesia.

With this method, the resulting seeds are of superior quality, disease free, and grow faster than conventional methods.

According to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), tissue culture plays an important role in increasing crop production efficiently, maintaining genetic diversity, and optimizing land use, especially for developing countries.

APRIL Group, a PaperOne paper maker, maintains the Kerinci Tissue Culture Lab (KTC) in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, which is one of Indonesia's biggest tissue culture facilities.

Established in 2019, this facility has an area of 3,200 square meters and stores the genetic diversity of two main species of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI), namely eucalyptus and Acacia crassicarpa.

The seeds are grown in special containers that create the impression of a “forest in a bottle”, with precisely controlled temperature, humidity and lighting settings.

KTC was initially capable of producing 36 million seeds per year, but via technological optimization, its production capacity has been expanded to 50 million seeds per year, or around 1,000 seeds each day.

This is a strategic step because APRIL Group needs more than 200 million seeds per year for its Industrial Plantation Forest operations.

APRIL Group's First Cloned Industrial Plantation Forest in the World

In 2023, APRIL Group will make history by introducing the world's first cloned Acacia crassicarpa Industrial Plantation Forest. This technology allows trees to grow faster, be more pest resistant, and be more adaptive to various environmental conditions.

The discovery was obtained after two decades of study at the Kerinci Tissue Culture Lab (KTC). In 2023, APRIL planted 250 hectares of cloned Industrial Plantation Forest, with intentions to grow to 1,800 hectares in the near future.

Increased Productivity

APRIL Group's APRIL2030 commitment, which was introduced in 2020, calls for a 50% improvement in HTI fiber production by 2030.

As of December 2023, APRIL has succeeded in increasing its Mean Annual Increment (MAI) to 22.4 tonnes per hectare per year, an increase of 10 percent from the 2019 baseline.

At COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November 2024, Sihol Aritonang, President Director of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP), underlined the importance of the forestry industry in meeting Indonesia's 2030 FOLU Net Sink objective.

“Our commitment is to promote. conservation efforts while increasing the productivity of our industrial plantation forest concessions,” said Sihol, Tuesday (18/2/2025).

APRIL Group has also implemented the Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0 policy since 2015, including a 1-for-1 commitment, where the company conserves natural forests with an area equivalent to the industrial plantation forests it manages. By 2023, 80 percent of this target has been achieved, according to APRIL's sustainability report.

APRIL Group is dedicated to sustainability, production efficiency, and environmental

preservation via these diverse technologies, with the goal of creating long-term benefits for people and forest ecosystems.

All APRIL2030 commitments are expected to have a positive impact on nature, climate and society, as well as encourage sustainable growth for companies.

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