
Hujan Hambat Pekerjaan Jalan Lintas Riau-Sumbar di Tanjung Alai, Bisa Tuntas Pekan Depan?
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The Joyful Ambience Celebrating Independence Day at PT RAPP Riau Complex
Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 - 16:56:05 WIB
This excitement was seen at the Riau Complex of PT RAPP, APRIL Group in Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency.
This excitement was seen at the Riau Complex of PT RAPP, APRIL Group in Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency.

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PANGKALAN KERINCI – Every August, the spirit of nationalism always burns throughout Indonesia. This month has a deep meaning because it was here, 79 years ago, that Indonesia's independence was proclaimed.

This excitement was seen at the Riau Complex of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP), APRIL Group in Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Since morning, a lively atmosphere has been felt in the Riau Complex area, as residents enthusiastically welcomed the celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) on Sunday (12/8/2024).

Not only that, the excitement of the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary was also attended by expatriates who work at RAPP. This moment is an important opportunity to strengthen relations between nations in a multicultural work environment. RAPP Director, Mhd Ali Shabri Nasution, when visiting a number of RTs, from Sunday (12/8/2024) to Tuesday (13/8/2024), appreciated the residents who actively participated in this activity.

According to him, the spirit of togetherness shown in this celebration is very important in strengthening unity and supporting various company programs oriented towards employee welfare.

"Thank you to all residents who have worked together to welcome the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. Participation like this not only enlivens the atmosphere, but also strengthens our sense of unity and love for our homeland," said Ali during a visit to RT 03, RW 08 CM Complex New, Tuesday (13/8/2024).

Ali also praised the residents' creativity in preparing decorations made entirely from recycled materials. He hopes that this spirit of innovation and unity will continue to be maintained in the future. Head of RT 03 RW 08 CM Baru Complex, Budhi Firmansyah, said that residents from expatriate circles from various countries were also very enthusiastic about welcoming the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day celebration, this had been going on for several years.

"Residents also participated in enlivening the complex environment by putting up flags, banners, and other knick-knacks, and they even contributed to holding various folk competitions and a celebration night on August 17," explained Budhi.

In line with that, the Head of RT 01 BLI and Rukan Complex, Handra Yoni, when visited by management on Sunday (11/8/2024), hoped that residents would maintain unity and continue to innovate in processing used materials into recycled goods that have economic value.

"I hope that all citizens can interpret independence in the spirit of mutual cooperation and togetherness, keep the environment clean and beautiful, and innovate in turning used goods into useful recycled products," said Yoni. Along the streets of the Riau Complex, red and white decorations adorn every corner, emphasizing the spirit of independence felt by all residents. This decoration, which is made in mutual cooperation, uses used materials that are transformed into aesthetic handicrafts and have artistic value.
Chairman of RT 06 RW 03 Townsite 2, Edi Syahputra, expressed the enthusiasm of the residents in preparing for the celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day.

Residents actively participate in decorating the complex area by using used items that can be recycled. "To celebrate the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day, we formed a competition committee. "The residents of RT 06 RW 03 are working together, working together to decorate and clean the environment after coming home from work," said Edi. This year, the independence merchandise competition between RTs carries the theme of using recycled materials as an effort to support environmental preservation.

A total of 30 RTs will be judged based on the creativity and uniqueness of their respective decorations by a panel of judges. Apart from that, Urban Farming competitions were also held between RTs and Home Gardening competitions between residents. This activity aims to encourage residents to use their yards by gardening, as well as arranging the yards to make them more beautiful and

The management group, which also visited the preparations for each RT in Townsite 1 and Townsite 2, also consisted of representatives from Corporate Communications, Facility Management, Community Religious Affairs and Andalan Lestari Waste Bank. (rls)

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