
Mangkir Panggilan, Komisi II DPRD Pekanbaru Langsung Datangi Gudang Alfamart
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Legal, Riau General Election Announces Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto as Winner of 2024 Riau Governor General Election
Sabtu, 07 Desember 2024 - 09:34:56 WIB

PEKANBARU – Riau General Election Commission has finished its plenary meeting with the agenda of Recapitulation of Vote Counting Results for the 2024 Riau Regional Head Election for Governor and Deputy Governor on Friday, June 12, 2024.

It was discovered that the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau number 1, Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto, received the most votes in the 2024 Riau Governor Election, with 1,224,193.

Furthermore, candidate pair number two, M Nasir-M Wardan, received 877,511 votes.
Meanwhile, the third-place candidate pair, Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh, received just

“After following and observing the results of the recapitulation of provincial level vote
counting results in the Regional Head Election for the governor and deputy governor of
Riau,” said Tony Werdiansyah, witness number 3.

"On behalf of candidate pair number 3, Mr. Syamsuar and Buya Mawardi M Saleh, in
essence the democratic party for the election of the governor and deputy governor of Riau
was won by candidate pair number 1,” according to him.

The Syamsuar-Mawardi couple declared that they graciously accepted the results of the 2024
Regional Head Election.

“Pair number 3 has accepted with sincerity and grace the results of voting and counting the votes of the people who participated in the 2024 Riau regional head election,” said Tony

Tony thanked everyone involved, specifically the General Election Commission and Election Supervisory Body, as well as the security forces, for ensuring that the democratic party in Riau proceeded securely and peacefully.
However, Tony made a few assessments, such as the participation percentage being just 60%
or lower than in the 2024 Legislative Election.

Besides from that, he said that the system of identifying and organizing polling stations was
ineffective, resulting in people receiving incorrect information and failing to vote.

Meanwhile Pahrizal, witness of candidate pair number 2 M Nasir-M Wardan, also conveyed
a number of notes on the implementation of elections such as the level of political

The following are the results of the votes for each candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of Riau 2024:

Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 10.7604
M Nasir-M Wardan: 150.808
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 95.720.
Indragiri Hulu
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 98.648
M Nasir-M Wardan: 54.607
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 32.124.
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 128.834
M Nasir-M Wardan: 88.723
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 52.490.
Indragiri Hilir
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 98.648
M Nasir-M Wardan: 54.607
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 32.124.
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 64.584
M Nasir-M Wardan: 44.432
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 90.753.
Kuantan Singingi
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 106.988
M Nasir-M Wardan: 46.544
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 37.025.
Kepulauan Meranti
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 40.632
M Nasir-M Wardan: 17.744
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 27.990.
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 180.723
M Nasir-M Wardan: 90.359
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 79.738.
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 63.180
M Nasir-M Wardan: 34.746
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 38.831.
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 75.636
M Nasir-M Wardan: 46.564
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 37.557.
Rokan Hulu
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 90.825
M Nasir-M Wardan: 116.806
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 52.806.
Rokan Hilir
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 125.704
M Nasir-M Wardan: 90.679
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 77.044.

Total vote acquisition in Riau Province:
Abdul Wahid- SF Hariyanto: 1.224.193
M Nasir-M Wardan: 877.511
Syamsuar-Mawardi M Saleh: 661.297
Total valid votes: 2.763.001
Invalid Votes: 119.475
Total Votes and Invalid Votes: 2.882.476.

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: Barkah


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