
Puan Yati Terpilih Aklamasi Sebagai Ketua DPD HARPI Melati Riau Periode 2024-2029
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2024 Regional Head Pre-Election Survey, This is the Temporary Electability Position of 3 Candidates for Governor of Riau
Selasa, 03 September 2024 - 16:10:05 WIB
This is the temporary electability position of tiga candidates for Governor of Riau (photo/yuni)
This is the temporary electability position of tiga candidates for Governor of Riau (photo/yuni)

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PEKANBARU - Survey institutions in Riau Province have exposed the results of the preelection survey for the Regional Head of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau (Focus on the Rokan Hulu Regency Region). The temporary results for Candidate Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto are in the last position.

Candidate Syamsuar-Mawardi obtained an electability of 55.8 percent, leaving behind Candidate M Nasir-M Wardan who obtained an electability of 17.8 percent. Meanwhile, Candidate Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto was 10.5 percent. The Rokan Hulu community's survey population, according to Fendri Jaswir, Executive Director of VOXinstitute, was spread out across 16 sub-districts.

"The survey was taken from the criteria of being 17 years of age and over or married, having a Rohul KTP and not being a member of the Indonesian National Army and the Republic of Indonesia Police," he said, Monday (2/9/2024).

He continued, the survey which was carried out on 16-21 August 2024 was carried out with 400 samples taken randomly using the Multi Stage Random Sampling method. With a Margin of Error of approximately 5 percent, and a confidence level of 95 percent.

"Data collection was carried out using face-to-face interview techniques, with respondents based on questionnaires," he said.

The total number of voters in the Rohan Hulu Regency was 391,794, this is just 8.28 percent of the 4,732,174 voters in the Riau Province.

Each candidate pair still has the opportunity to increase their electability, especially the Nasir-Wardan and Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto candidates. He mentioned this because these two candidate pairs still have low popularity, namely Abdul Wahid 23.8 percent, Nasir 21.3 percent, Wardan 19.5 percent, and SF Hariyanto 14.3 percent. Meanwhile, Syamsuar is 64.3 percent known, while his partner Mawardi is 19.3 percent known.

“But of the voters who know the candidates, the majority like the candidates they know. This also indicates that the level of popularity is positively correlated with voters' preferences for candidates," said Fendri Jaswir.

There are speculations that this poll was conducted a few days prior to the candidate couples registering with the General Election Commission (KPU). It follows that each candidate pair will undoubtedly operate the political apparatus of the political party they support and recruit volunteers after registration. Their electability will naturally tend to rise.

"There are still two and a half months left to work hard to attract public sympathy," said Fendri.

From this survey, the electability of political parties is also known. There are five political parties with more than 5 percent voters in Rohan Hulu. Incidentally, this political party was the choice of 81.5 percent of voters. The electability of the 6 political parties is Gerindra 29 percent, Golkar 23.8 percent, Democrat 9.3 percent, PDIP 7.3 percent, PKS 7.0 percent, and Nasdem 5.3 percent.

Author: Yuni

Editor: Riki

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