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PDIP and Nasdem Decree in Hand, SF Hariyanto Immediately Declares to Fight in the Riau Gubernatorial Election
Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 - 07:35:05 WIB

JAKARTA - Candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau Abdul Wahid - SF Hariyanto has stated that he is ready to run for the 2024 Gubernatorial Election.

Wahid-SF is supported by a coalition of three major parties, PDI Perjuangan, Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), and Nasdem. Support for the couple Abdul Wahid and SF Hariyanto was marked by the handing over of a decree directly to the General Chair of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarno Putri.

The decree was received directly by SF Hariyanto, in Jakarta. The decree from Nasdem was handed over directly by the Chairman of DPW Nasdem Riau Willy.

After receiving the decree appointing him to run as regional head, SF Hariyanto said he was grateful for the trust given by the three major parties to fight together to advance Riau.

"Alhamdulillah, we have received a decree appointing us to run in the Riau regional elections. I saw the decree earlier from the General Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan, Mrs. Megawati, it's true that it's not my name, it turns out my name is indeed there, thank God," said SF Hariyanto, Wednesday (14/8 /2024).

"The Nasdem and PKB parties have also supported us, hopefully we will sail and ask for the support of the people of Riau, together to develop Riau," added SF Hariyanto.
Asked when he would be declared as a candidate for Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau, and who would be number one and number two, SF Hariyanto said he would make a declaration soon. He and Wahid together will built Riau.

"Insya Allah, we will make a declaration in the near future. For numbers one and two we have declared Governor one and Governor two, both from the PKB and Nasdem parties, saying Governor one and Governor two, to jointly develop Riau," said SF Hariyanto.

Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki


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