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PKS Soon Following Nasdem-PKB Joins Prabowo-Gibran Coalition
Sabtu, 27 April 2024 - 07:51:51 WIB

JAKARTA - Prabowo-Gibran Digital Team (PRIDE) National Volunteer Coordinator Anthony Leong believes the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) will follow in the footsteps of the National Awakening Party (PKB) and Nasdem enter into the government coalition.

“I am sure that there is no barrier for the PKS and Prabowo to establish cooperation in the upcoming cabinet and government. It's just a matter of time,” Anthony said in a press release received Friday (4/26/2024).

Anthony thinks that chance is possible because Prabowo has managed to win the PKB and Nasdem, who are reputed to be the party of the MCC in supporting Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar in this year's presidential election.

The two parties were eventually anchored into a government coalition thanks to political maneuvers Prabowo made shortly after he and Gibran Rakabuming Raka were designated as President and Vice President-Elect.

“Both Nasdem and the PKB, all supported by Prabowo. It was Prabowo who came, not the other way around. It shows Prabowo a statesman who has political maturity,” Anthony said.

In addition, Anthony also judged Gerindra and the MCC to have a fairly harmonious relationship background. This is because in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, the MCC became the party that consistently supported Prabowo as its presidential candidate.

Therefore, Anthony believes that in the near future the PKS will enter into a coalition leaving the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) on the opposition line. If that moment happens, Anthony hopes it will be a momentum for the entire community to end the conflict and begin to unite in support of the new government.

“When he finishes (the presidential election) Prabowo invites all the elites to build the nation in the future. Prabowo sets an example of a leader who has a big soul,” Anthony said, as reported by republika.(*)


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