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Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto Guides The Appointment of Malay Teachers to Develop Riau
Senin, 18 November 2024 - 10:42:59 WIB

PEKANBARU - Candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau Number 1, Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto seemed incredible at the second candidate discussion in the Riau Governor Election, held at SKA CoEx Pekanbaru on Sunday (17/11/2024) evening.

This couple with the strapline 'Bermarwah' shows their commitment and concern for the development of Malay culture. This is realized by guiding Malay teaching principles in synergizing together to develop Riau.

This seriousness can also be observed in the opening portion, which presents the goal and purpose in line with the theme established by the Riau General Election Commission.

“Don't vote because of the money, don't vote because of your wealth, vote because of your manners, vote because of your fairness. A quote from the teachings that floats in choosing a leader,” said Candidate for Governor of Riau Number 1, Abdul Wahid.

According to Wahid, that guidance is what motivates the Bermarwah candidate couple to stand in front of the Riau community to act fairly as leaders.

“The numerous policies that we have adopted along with the people of Riau are in conformity with the topic of this discussion, which is to meet basic requirements and improve people's welfare,” said Wahid.

Wahid confirmed that he and SF Hariyanto would make policies that were pro-Riau people. He will also control the prices of basic necessities, provide 1 home 1 undergraduate education, educational scholarships and free uniforms.

“We think that through education, family welfare may improve. Aside from that, we will lower poverty and hunger rates, get treatment only with an ID card, and make our roads smoother,” he said.

Meanwhile, Candidate for Deputy Governor of Riau Number 1, SF Hariyanto, stated the commitment of the Marwah candidate pair to the protection of children and women in Riau.

“We will protect and deal with violence against women and children. We will also reduce maternal and child mortality rates. We love the people of Riau, we have formulated a vision of Riau with Malay Culture, Dynamic, Ecological, Religious and Advance,” he said.

“It's not an easy matter, but we are optimistic and we will make it happen together with the people of Riau for the next 5 years. Together with us, Abdul Wahid and SF Hariyanto will build Riau by voting number 1,” concluded SF Hariyanto.

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: Barkah


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