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Attending Nasdem Consolidation Across Riau, Abdul Wahid Has Been Committed To Not Discriminate Between Supporting Parties
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2024 - 21:53:05 WIB

PEKANBARU - Candidate for Governor of Riau Abdul Wahid attended the Nasdem Party's 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election Winning Consolidation Meeting in Riau Province, Saturday (5/10/2024) in Pekanbaru.

Abdul Wahid expressed his gratitude for the support given by the Nasdem Party to him and SF Hariyanto.

“With the survey results showing the potential for victory, I am optimistic that we can win this Regional Head Election,” he said.

Wahid also underlined the significance of collaboration in realizing Riau's ambitious goals as a developed area. He highlighted that Riau has three key factors in economic theory, which are people resources, natural resources, and geographical position.

"We must exploit this potential so that Riau can develop well," he added. As head of the National Awakening Party (PKB), he stated that he would be committed to working with Nasdem.

“I will not differentiate between PKB, Nasdem and PDIP. InsyaAllah, I will complete what is my responsibility,” he said.

Meanwhile, Riau Willy Aditya, Chairman of the Nasdem Party's Central Leadership Council, expressed appreciation for Abdul Wahid, describing him as a "complete package".

Willy shared several things he learnt from Wahid and was impressed by his effort and commitment.

"I am impressed with Abdul Wahid, there is a person who is diligent in fighting for regional
progress, where Riau's interests are there he enters, over managing the Rokan block he enters Commission VII, there is a palm oil Production Sharing Fund (DBH) he enters Commission XI, this Wahid is rare, He cares so much about his area,” said Willy as a testimony.

Willy also said that the Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto pair must win so that Riau can progress further.

“I was surprised when Mr Wahid saw the survey results, the results were good. This shows that there is no struggle without sacrifice. Nasdem, according to Surya Paloh's message, is committed to not being a burden. In yesterday's congress, we worked together to build the nation,” he said.

Willy also believes that with Abdul Wahid's vision and mission for the next five years, there is great potential to realize positive change in Riau.

“I am sure that, although not everything can be achieved, Riau can grow through
collaboration. Together, we are capable of facing any difficulty, and we have the support of Tuan Guru Ustadz Abdul Somad,” he said.
Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki


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