
Warga Sempat Melihat Tersangka Pembunuh Penjual Gorengan di Sumbar Kabur ke Semak-Semak
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Hundreds of Students Enthusiastically Greeted Telkomsel Edutalk, Who Appeared at The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Campus, University of Riau
Rabu, 04 September 2024 - 13:52:59 WIB

PEKANBARU - Telkomsel always tries to get closer and provide benefits, especially in the student environment through Edutalk Goes to Riau University (Unri), Tuesday (3/9/2024).

Hundreds of students enthusiastically participated in this program, which is the continuation of Telkomsel's many university relationships around the nation, particularly with the University of Riau.

Telkomsel Edutalk, which was held in the Sutan Balia Hall, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau University, is a form of real contribution from Telkomsel in its efforts to improve the quality of human resources.

According to Agus Sugiarto, general manager of network operations and productivity at Telkomsel Sumbagteng, "this is a form of initiative from Telkomsel's corporate social responsibility program which is presented specifically for students at various universities in Sumatra and is being implemented today at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau."

Agus hopes that this event will continue to stimulate the creativity of the younger generation, especially in capturing developments in the digital world.

It was explained that so far collaborative steps between the University of Riau and Telkomsel have been implemented in a number of programs, including the implementation of the green campus program which is collaborated with the Telkomsel planting program.

To further promote a sustainable and clean environment, Telkomsel also implements Telkomsel-Protecting the Planet.

Apart from that, a program for making biopore holes in the soil was also implemented in an effort to ensure better environmental sustainability.

In this Telkomsel Edutalk event, a collaboration was also signed in the form of a certified student internship program.

This year, five students from the University of Riau's Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
will participate in recognised work internships.

The major goal of this program is to provide University of Riau students a chance to get a taste of what it's like to work at Telkomsel Agus anticipates that the students would take full advantage of this chance to learn more indepth information about Telkomsel's operations and the actions performed for the country.

The implementation of Telkomsel Edutalk Goes to University of Riau, which was carried out in conjunction with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, particularly the Communication Science program, was greatly appreciated by Dr. Meyzi Heriyanto, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Riau.

It was explained that to build a nation, collaboration between parties is needed, including what is being implemented between Telkomsel and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau University.

Meizi hopes that the collaboration carried out will be able to support the creation of Indonesia's future golden generation in 2045. He also hopes that the students who take part in this event can take part seriously, but still
with a cheerful atmosphere.

Apart from containing an introduction to the Telkomsel program, including certified internships carried out with campuses in the country, this Edutalk activity also presented interesting games with prizes.

Towards the end of the activity, Telkomsel invited Megi Irawan, an actor and content creator, to share experiences related to the world he was involved in with the students who welcomed the Telkomsel activity enthusiastically.

Editor: Budy Satria


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