
OJK Riau Tingkatkan Literasi Keuangan Pelaku Industri Fashion di Riau Modest Fashion Parade 2025
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Abdul Wahid-SF Hariyanto Inaugurated February 6 2025, Riau Regional People's Representative Council: Infrastructure and Budget Deficit Become Big PR
Jumat, 24 Januari 2025 - 08:07:12 WIB

PEKANBARU – The inauguration of regional heads elected as a result of the 2024 regional elections which are not in dispute will be held on February 6 2025.

This includes the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau, Abdul Wahid and SF Hariyanto.

“We hope that the new leaders, especially the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau, Abdul Wahid and SF Hariyanto, can advance Riau,” stated Budiman Lubis, Deputy of the Riau Regional People's Representative Council, on Thursday (January 23, 2024).

“We are now confronting a financial imbalance and payment delays totaling IDR 800 billion. This must be a serious concern,” he said.

Budiman emphasized the importance of real breakthroughs from new leaders to resolve various problems that burden society, especially related to infrastructure.

“Currently, numerous people worry that road conditions are getting worse, particularly during the rainy season. We need concrete steps from the new governor to deal with this,” he said. Aside from infrastructure, Budiman emphasized the significance of effective collaboration between the province and district/city administrations in Riau.

He hopes that regents and mayors will not only depend on the provincial budget, but will also be able to attract funds from the central government and increase Regional Original Income (PAD). “The regent/mayor and the governor must work together to promote Riau's growth. Don't just hope for the provincial budget,” he said.

"We also have to be proactive in seeking funds from the center and increasing Regional Original Income. This is the key so that various programs can run optimally," he explained.

One program that has received attention is the free nutritious meal program which aims to improve community welfare.

“This program must continue to be supported without compromising regional development. With planned steps, we can create prosperity while building adequate infrastructure,” added Budiman. Budiman hopes that the new leader of Riau will be able to bring big changes to Riau, especially in overcoming budget, infrastructure and community welfare problems.
“We all hope that the new leader can bring real change. Don't let the same problem happen again in the future. Riau needs concrete solutions that support the community,” he concluded.

Editor: Barkah


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