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Riau Provincial Government Selects 5 Names as Regional Secretary to Replace SF Hariyanto, Here is the List
Minggu, 29 September 2024 - 17:34:42 WIB

PEKANBARU - The Ministry of Home Affairs has received five nominations from the Riau
Provincial Government for consideration as the province's acting regional secretary.

Elly Wardhani, the Daily Acting Head of the Governance Bureau of the Regional Secretariat
of Riau Province, said that SF Hariyanto, who resigned while competing for the 2024 Regional Head Election, will be replaced by a candidate selected later by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"We hope that next Monday the Decree of the Acting Regional Secretary of Riau Province
will be handed down from the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Elly Wardhani, Sunday

Elly mentioned the five names, namely Taufik HO, Head of the Riau Industry and Trade Service; Indra, Head of the Riau Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency;
Evarefita, Head of the Riau Regional Revenue Agency; Syahrial Abdi, Head of the Riau
Plantation Service and M Job Kurniawan, Assistant II of the Riau Province Regional

"The chance for each candidates to be named the provincial regional secretary of Riau is the same. Therefore, we are unable to announce at this time who will be the Province's Regional Secretary. Since we have not yet received the Decree," Elly Wardhani concluded.

For your information, SF Hariyanto will formally retire as a Civil Servant on September 22, 2024. SF Hariyanto has worked for the government for 41 years in total.

This retirement is in accordance with applicable regulations in preparing to take part in regional head elections.

During his tenure, SF Hariyanto was known as a firm and highly dedicated leader. Under his leadership, various innovations and policies were implemented within the Riau Provincial Government. Especially in efforts to improve infrastructure and strengthen bureaucratic efficiency.

Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki


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