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Asian Agri Distributed Thousands of Kg Of Rice and Instant Noodles to Flood Victims in Pelalawan, Riau
Kamis, 30 Januari 2025 - 14:32:40 WIB
Asian Agri, through its two business units, PT Inti Indosawit Subur and PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka, distributed relief aid in the form of basic necessities to flood victims in Pelalawan. (Foto: Asian Agri)
Asian Agri, through its two business units, PT Inti Indosawit Subur and PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka, distributed relief aid in the form of basic necessities to flood victims in Pelalawan. (Foto: Asian Agri)

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PELALAWAN – As an expression of sympathy for flood victims in Pelalawan Regency, Riau, Asian Agri, via its two business divisions, PT Inti Indosawit Subur (PT IIS), delivered basic food relief to the Pelalawan Regency Social Service Office on January 24, 2025.

Then, on Thursday (30/1/2025), PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka (PT MUP) supplied basic food aid to Langgam District inhabitants, which was welcomed by the Langgam District Head at the District Head Office.

PT IIS delivered the help straight to the Head of the Pelalawan Regency Social Service, Ewin Rommel, and his staf. Ewin thanked Asian Agri for their cooperation.

“We would like to thank Asian Agri for the rice and instant noodle assistance distributed through the Social Service. This assistance is very meaningful for flood victims. Later, we together with the Pelalawan Regency Flood Victim Management Team will immediately distribute this aid to locations affected by the flood. The flood conditions that have been going on for almost two weeks due to the overflowing Kampar River are very worrying. We hope that companies around our area will continue to play an active role in helping victims of disasters like this,” said Ewin.

Meanwhile, Maskandar, the Head of Langgam District, got the help from PT MUP personally. He thanked the corporation for their compassion for the Langgam District citizens.

“We will collect this aid at the post, and later it will be distributed together with officers to victims who are in refugee camps, especially in Langgam Village and Tambak Village,” concluded Maskandar.

Meanwhile, Asian Agri's Sustainability Operations and CSR Manager, Putu Grhyate Yonata Aksa, stressed the company's commitment to disaster relief efforts.

“We realize how big the impact this disaster has had on the surrounding community, and therefore we feel called to provide assistance. Hopefully what we provide can ease the burden on residents affected by the flood. This food assistance is a form of our concern for the flood victims in Pangkalan Kerinci and also in Langgam. We hope that this assistance can maintain the health of our affected brothers and sisters, and pray that the flood will recede soon and the situation will recover,” he explained.

The total amount of support given to the Pelalawan District Social Service and Langgam District people was 1,350 kg of rice and 150 boxes of instant noodles. It is anticipated that this support would help satisfy the food requirements of those impacted by the flooding. (Release)


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Tingkatkan Kualitas SDM, PT BSP - UMRI Teken MoU
Eksekutif : Pemprov Riau Pekanbaru Dumai Inhu Kuansing Inhil Kampar Pelalawan Rohul Bengkalis Siak Rohil Meranti
Legislatif : DPRD Pekanbaru DPRD Dumai DPRD Inhu DPRD Kuansing DPRD Inhil DPRD Kampar DPRD Pelalawan DPRD Rohul
DPRD Bengkalis DPRD Siak DPRD Rohil DPRD Meranti
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