
DPRD Gelar Rapat Paripurna Pengumuman Penetapan Asmar-Muzamil Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kepulauan Meranti Terpilih
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Zukri and Husni are Confirmed as the New Leaders of Pelalawan by the Regional People's Representative Council During a Plenary Session
Rabu, 15 Januari 2025 - 21:02:39 WIB

PEKANBARU – The elected candidate pair for Regent and Deputy Regent, Zukri SM and Husni Tamrin, were announced during a plenary session of the Regional People's Representative Assembly Pelalawan Regency.

On Wednesday, 15/1/2025, the event was held in the Regional People's Representative Assembly building in Pelalawan. All members of the Regional People's Representative Assembly Pelalawan Regency attended the plenary, which was presided over by the chair of the Syafrizal Regency Regional People's
Representative Assembly.

When reading the announcement about the selection of the candidate pair, Secretary Regional People's Representative Assembly Pelalawan, Masri, explained that the selection of Zukri and Husni Tamrin was based on the final decision of the Pelalawan Regency General Election Commission Number 15 of 2025, which had decided on the results and vote acquisition of the regional head election in 2024.

In this case, Zukri and Husni Tamrin received 101,076 votes, or 62.31% of all valid votes. Following the announcement, Pelalawan Syafrizal, the chairman of the Regional People's Representative Assembly, read the minutes of the plenary session wherein Zukri and Husni Tamrin were affirmed as the elected Regent and Deputy Regent of Pelalawan Regency for the 2025–2030 term.

After the confirmation ceremony, Husni Tamrin and the elected Regent Zukri SM thanked the Regional People's Representative Assembly Pelalawan for fulfilling the people of Pelalawan Regency's mandate and wish following the 2024 democratic elections.

"Let's gather together and work together to continue the region's growth; we must put aside our differences, maintain harmony, and collaborate to make Pelalawan more appealing, developed, and prosperous," he said.

Forkopimda, the heads of the regional apparatus organizations of the Pelalawan regional government, community leaders, political party chairs, young leaders, and other invited visitors were also in attendance.

For the understanding, the minutes will be submitted as one of the requirements to be submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs through the Governor of Riau as a proposal to obtain Ratification of the appointment by the Minister of Home Affairs with a Decree Concerning the Inauguration of the Appointment of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pelalawan for the 2025-2030 term of office.

Author: Andy Indrayanto
Editor: M Iqbal


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