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Uncertain Fate, Trans Metro Pekanbaru Buses are No Longer Operating
Sabtu, 04 Januari 2025 - 13:20:47 WIB

PEKANBARU - The Trans Metro Pekanbaru (TMP) bus service will no longer operate on Friday (3/1/2025). This information was announced via the official Transmetro Pekanbaru social media page (@transmetropku_official).

Khairunnas, the head of the Pekanbaru Transportation Department's Transportation Division, said that the suspension of operations was caused by a lack of gasoline. TMP is now experiencing trouble obtaining diesel fuel for its fleet operations.

“The main problem is the supply of diesel. We are also looking for gas stations that are willing to cooperate,” said Khairunnas.

He more said that the Public Fuel Filling Station, which was once a fuel supplier to TMP, was no longer collaborating. This scenario causes the Transportation Department to search for alternate ways to sustain TMP operations.

Apart from that, Sarwono, the head of UPT Trans Metro Pekanbaru, said that the end of TMP operations was also due to performance review.

“We are currently conducting a performance evaluation,” he said briefly.

The temporary suspension of TMP operations affects the mobility of persons who depend on this service for their primary mode of transportation on a daily basis.

The community hopes that the Pekanbaru Transportation Agency will find a solution quickly, allowing the TMP to resume operations.

Until present, it is unclear when TMP services will resume regular functioning. It is anticipated that the Department of Transportation and UPT TMP can overcome current issues as soon as possible, allowing public transportation services to resume normal operations.

Author: Dini
Editor: Riki


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