
DPRD Pekanbaru Bahas Opsi Libur Sekolah dan Pengurangan Jam Belajar saat Ramadan
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The Mayor of Pekanbaru is Circulating Names of Strong Candidates for The Daily Acting Regional Secretary Position
Kamis, 12 Desember 2024 - 05:45:43 WIB

PEKANBARU - The position of Pekanbaru City Regional Secretary, which has been vacant since the appointment of Acting Pekanbaru Mayor Roni Rakhmat, has sparked public concern. Several names started to emerge as possible candidates to fill the position.

Among the names that appeared, Ingot Ahmad Hutasuhut, who now works as Assistant for Economic and Development Affairs to the Pekanbaru City Regional Secretary, is thought to be a good candidates to fill this important job.

When asked for comments regarding Ingot's potential as City Regional Secretary, Roni gave a short answer.

“Insya Allah,” Roni answered briefly.

Aside from that, Zarman Candra, Chief Executive of the Pekanbaru City Regional Disaster Management Agency, has emerged as a potential strong candidates. However, Roni indicated that the selecting process did not only examine these two names.

“There are six probable names, in addition to Mr Ingot and Zarman Candra. There's Mr. Ingot, Zulhelmi, Zulfahmi, Maisisco, and others. They are all complete, including women and guys,” said Roni with a smile, Wednesday (11 /12/2024).

Even so, Roni has not provided details regarding when the final decision will be taken or who will be appointed. According to him, the process is still ongoing to ensure that the candidate selected is the best person to fill the position of Pekanbaru Regional Secretary.

Separately, when Zulfahmi Adrian, Head of the Pekanbaru Civil Service Police Unit, was mentioned in the Pekanbaru Regional Secretary market, he did not hold out much hope. It's merely that he's prepared to be assigned if he's given this duty.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Pekanbaru City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency, Irwansyah, stated that the appointment of the Daily Acting Regional Secretary for Pekanbaru City is also still in process.

“Currently it is still being processed,” said Irwansyah.

He added that the Decree on the appointment of the Daily Executive Regional Secretary for the City has not yet been signed by the Mayor of Pekanbaru, so the names of the candidates who will serve cannot yet be announced.

“The Decree has not yet been signed, so we cannot disclose who the individual is,” concluded Irwansyah.

The vacant position of Pekanbaru Regional Secretary remains a concern for various parties, considering the importance of this role in supporting government policies and services to the community.

Author: Dini
Editor: Riki


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