
Pasca Pilkada, Polsek Simpang Kanan Ajak Masyarakat Rajut Kembali Harmoni
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Rejected by Local Residents, Head of Pekanbaru Civil Service Police Unit: Chromatic Family Karaoke Cannot Operate
Rabu, 11 Desember 2024 - 11:05:39 WIB

PEKANBARU - The Chromatic karaoke establishment, situated on Jalan HR Soebrantas in Tuah Madani District, Pekanbaru, created a controversy when local neighbors objected.

Residents were concerned that the plan would undermine environmental order and calm.

Zulfahmi Adrian, Head of the Pekanbaru Civil Service Police Unit, responded by explaining
the procedures done. To guarantee that the operation of the entertainment venue is compliant with relevant rules.

Anticipating protests by community groups (Ormas) and local communities, which might
cause havoc. Dozens of people from the Civil Service Police Unit, Tampan Sector Police, and
Pekanbaru Police went to the place to maintain conduciveness on Tuesday (10/12/2024).

In his evaluation, Zulfahmi Adrian, Head of the Pekanbaru Civil Service Police Unit, detailed
the conditions that had been established.

“According to the findings of the examination connected to the Chromatik karaoke license
document, the permission already exists but has expired and is no longer in compliance with the current licensing system update,” he explained, Tuesday (10/12/2024).

Besides from that, Zulfahmi asked to the manager of the karaoke establishment refrain from carrying out any operations until the new licenses were finished.

“Previously, the head of management, in this instance, was ordered not to carry out any
operations, and the management had said that they were prepared to refrain from carrying out activities. And to comply with the regulations that have been controlled and decided by the government,” he said.

“We have temporarily restricted karaoke activities. However, given they have invited others who may merely come, look at the scenario and circumstances, and then purchase beverages at the café, perhaps that's acceptable,” he concluded.

Author: Intern
Editor: Riki


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