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Budget Deficits and Vacancies Become Regional Secretary Taufiq OH Difficult Task
Selasa, 11 Maret 2025 - 10:10:32 WIB

PEKANBARU – Riau Governor Abdul Wahid formally elected Taufiq Oesman Hamid as Acting Regional Secretary for Riau Province on Monday (10/3/2025).

Riau Governor Abdul Wahid directed that Taufiq OH face a difficult duty as a driving force in the wheels of governance inside the Riau Provincial governance. Among them is the budget deficit, which is now at IDR 2.2 trillion.

“I want the Regional Secretary to organize the regional machinery to handle any outstanding issues. We ask the Regional Secretary to swiftly fix the issue of delayed payments caused by the budget imbalance, which has reached IDR 2.2 trillion,” Abdul Wahid said.

He said, this is a tough task for the government because it is related to the welfare of the community.

“Public are waiting. So we ask that this be resolved immediately,” he said.

Apart from that, there are vacancies in the Riau Provincial Government. Where currently there are 10 Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) without officials, 6 OPDs with Acting Tasks and 2 OPDs that will enter retirement. Abdul Wahid asked the Regional Secretary to immediately coordinate the assessment process.

“We ask the Regional Secretary to reorganize government governance, including that OPDs which are still empty must be filled immediately in order to maximize the function of public services. These 2 months must be completed,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Taufiq OH, Acting Regional Secretary of Riau Province, said that he would promptly follow Riau Governor Abdul Wahid's instructions.

“We will find a solution. We have met several times with the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) and the Budget Agency, we have also prepared a scenario for implementing channel delays, payment delays and the budget that will be budgeted,” he said.

Regarding government governance, Taufiq OH said that he would immediately carry out an assessment to fill vacancies in the Riau Provincial Government.

“We need to collaborate again with the State Civil Service Agency to organize a selection committee to fill the Regional Apparatus Organization. After that, we'll decide what to do next,” he said.

Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki


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