
Prediksi Zodiak Hari Ini: Taurus Waspada Rayuan Manis, Leo Kuat Hadapi Rintangan
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Participants Passing PPPK/CASN Raid Riau DPRD, Urge Appointment Decree to Be Issued Immediately
Selasa, 11 Maret 2025 - 09:34:55 WIB

PEKANBARU – A group of people wearing white and black uniforms, members of the Riau PPPK and CPNS Alliance Forum, seized the Riau Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) headquarters on Monday (10/3/2025) afternoon.

This activity was carried out by participants who passed the selection for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) and Candidates for State Civil Servants (CASN) from diverse formations, including educators, health workers, honorary workers, and technical employees in Riau.

The action, which occurred on the 10th day of Ramadan 1446 Hijriyah, was prompted by the government's strategy of deferring the submission of the Decree (SK) for the appointment of the CASN/PPPK class of 2024.

Participants who passed the 2024 selection felt disadvantaged since the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform issued a letter altering the 2024 CASN/PPPK appointment timetable.

They wanted clarification and justice for their predicament, particularly because most of them had resigned from their former professions in the hopes of being appointed as PPPK or CASN.

Abunazar, Coordinator of the Riau PPPK and CPNS Alliance Forum, indicated that this action represented more than 23 thousand Riau participants who completed the screening process.

“We represent thousands of honorary workers throughout Riau from various agencies who have been determined to pass CASN/PPPK in 2024, urging the government to immediately issue a decree, because many friends have resigned from their old jobs, but it turns out the decree has been postponed,” said Abunazar in his oration in front of the Riau DPRD building.

This action was taken as a form of protest against the uncertainty felt by selected participants. They are hoping that the Riau DPRD would serve as a mediator between them and the federal government.

“We came here because we believe the Riau DPRD can help convey our voice to the central government. This is about our future and that of our families,” added Abunazar.

“I have been an honorary worker for eight years. When I passed the PPPK selection, I felt hopeful for a brighter future. However, the decree has been postponed. We believe we have been duped,” said one of the action participants, an honorary worker in the area of operator at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion.

This action received widespread attention from the public, especially because it involved thousands of honorary staff who had served for years without certainty of status.

Several members of the Riau DPRD welcomed the demonstrators and vowed to take their concerns to the central level.

“We understand the nervousness felt by the selected participants. The Riau DPRD will immediately convene a coordination conference with the central government to determine the appropriate approach,” said one Riau DPRD member who did not want to be identified.

Editor: Barkah


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