
Dinas Kesehatan Inhil Gandeng BRK Syariah Percepat Pengelolaan Dana BLUD dengan SIPD e-BLUD
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To Celebrate National Occupational Safety and Health Month, PT MUP Invites Employees to Make K3 Culture a Daily Habit
Kamis, 13 Februari 2025 - 06:11:07 WIB
PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka, Asian Agri
PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka, Asian Agri's business unit, held a ceremony commemorating National Occupational Health and Safety Month (K3) 2025 at the Segati Garden Football Field. (Photo: Special)

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PELALAWAN – PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka (PT MUP), a business unit of Asian Agri, hosted a celebration to commemorate National Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Month 2025 at the Segati Garden Football Field, Segati Village, Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Tuesday (11/2/2025).

This activity shows PT MUP's dedication to developing a secure and healthy work culture, which aligns with the subject of National K3 Month 2025, "Strengthening Human Resource Capacity in Supporting the Implementation of the K3 Management System (SMK3) to Increase Productivity."

In his speech, Sufryiadi, PT MUP Group Manager highlighted that K3 is more than simply a regulation, it must become a work culture that is implemented in all activities.

“Work safety is a shared responsibility that must be prioritized at every step, whether in the field, factory or in other daily activities. By complying with K3 standards, we not only protect ourselves but also our co-workers and the surrounding environment,” he said in a written statement on Wednesday (12/2/2025).

He also asked that all staff strictly follow to K3 regulations and procedures, remind one another, and assist colleagues in establishing a safe atmosphere.

Sufryiadi also emphasized the importance of making K3 culture a habit in every task carried out, to ensure that occupational safety and health is a top priority in every daily activity.

Meanwhile, Tengku Amir Fuad, Head of the Pelalawan Regency Manpower Service, expressed gratefulness for PT MUP's actions and dedication to workplace safety.

“We appreciate PT MUP for organizing this activity and continuing to show high commitment to K3. The Zero Accident Award won by PT MUP from the Riau Provincial Government in 2024 is clear proof that this company is serious about creating a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees,” he said.

PT MUP conducts a variety of events, including fire simulations by the Fire team, first aid simulations for victims of workplace accidents, and presenting Safety Awards to workers who have shown the greatest performance in adopting K3 in the workplace.

Apart from that, there is a K3 Quiz competition to test and increase participants' understanding of the importance of work safety.

PT MUP believes that by issuing this warning, it will continue to raise awareness and concern among all workers about the significance of workplace safety, as well as create a safer, healthier, and more productive work environment in the future. (Release)


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