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13 Hotspots Track Sumatra Hotspots, Riau Reports 2 in Pelalawan
Senin, 03 Februari 2025 - 12:49:19 WIB

PEKANBARU - Based on the most recent data as of 23.00 WIB, forecaster Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency Pekanbaru Station, Yasir, stated that there are hot spots or hotspots in Riau Province.

Yasir said that the only hot spots in Riau were in Pelalawan Regency.

"In Pelalawan there are 2 points," he said, Monday (3/2/2025).

Apart from Riau, there are several provinces that also have hot spots. Where West Sumatra Province has the most hot spots, namely 6 spots.

"Then Aceh Province has 2 points, and North Sumatra, Riau Islands and Bangka Belitung have 1 point each," he detailed.

So, he said, the total number of hot spots in Sumatra is 13 spots spread across 6 provinces.


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Ilustrasi13 Hotspots Track Sumatra Hotspots, Riau Reports 2 in Pelalawan
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Eksekutif : Pemprov Riau Pekanbaru Dumai Inhu Kuansing Inhil Kampar Pelalawan Rohul Bengkalis Siak Rohil Meranti
Legislatif : DPRD Pekanbaru DPRD Dumai DPRD Inhu DPRD Kuansing DPRD Inhil DPRD Kampar DPRD Pelalawan DPRD Rohul
DPRD Bengkalis DPRD Siak DPRD Rohil DPRD Meranti
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