
Parkir di Pekanbaru Masih Jadi Momok, Pengamat Minta Walikota Tuntaskan
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Riau's Governor is Fully Committed to Making The 2025 National Press Day Event a Success
Jumat, 17 Januari 2025 - 12:09:37 WIB

PEKANBARU – Riau Province has the distinction of hosting the 2025 National Press Day ceremony in Pekanbaru City from February 6 to 9, 2025. Governor of Riau, Dr Rahman Hadi, MSi, is proud and totally devoted to ensuring the success of this event, which will be a significant occasion for the national press while also highlighting Riau's potential.

Rahman Hadi said this during an audience with the General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Zulmansyah Sekedang, and the management of PWI Riau, at his apartment on Jalan Gajah Mada in Pekanbaru on Thursday (15/1/2025). The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of PWI Riau, Raja Isyam Azwar, and the Secretary of PWI Riau, N. Doni Dwi Putra.

“We are very proud that Riau has been trusted to host the 2025 National Press Day. This is a great opportunity to strengthen the role of the press in supporting regional and national development. The Riau Provincial Government is ready to fully support all series of activities,” said Rahman Hadi, who also serves as Secretary General Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia.

He asked Ikhwan Ridwan, Head of the Riau Communications, Informatics, and Statistics Service, to promptly prepare the event's technical execution in collaboration with the committee and the ranks of the Indonesian Journalists Association. “We want to ensure that all activities run smoothly and give the best impression to all participants,” according to him.

Zulmansyah Sekedang, the General Chair of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association, thanked the Riau Provincial Government for its entire support. “This pledge encourages us to make National Press Day 2025 a remarkable occasion. The key draw for executing this event will be Riau's tremendous potential,” he said.

Zulmansyah also revealed the extensive agenda for National Press Day 2025, which will include social services, media conventions, seminars, and a peak event attended by four ministers: Minister of Communications and Digital Meutya Hafid, Minister of Forestry Juli Antoni, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman, and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia.

Raja Isyam Azwar, Chairman of the Riau Indonesian Journalists Association, underlined the significance of community and government cooperation in ensuring the event's success.

“National Press Day 2025 is not just a celebration, but also a strategic moment to introduce Riau culture and tourism nationally and even internationally,” he said it with full optimism.

N. Doni Dwi Putra, Secretary of the Riau Indonesian Journalists Association, said that preparations were still on involving numerous stakeholders. “We hope that National Press Day 2025 will provide real benefits for the community, especially in promoting Riau's local potential,” he said.

This audience was also attended by several officials and prominent figures, such as the Head of the Riau Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Office, Ikhwan Ridwan; the Head of the Public Information and Communication Division of the Riau Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Office, Eriadi Fahmi; as well as members of the Riau Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), including the Advisory Board Member of PWI, Syahnan Rangkuti; Deputy Chair for Cooperation Relations, Oberlin Marbun; Deputy Chair for Welfare, Zulmiron; Deputy Chair for Assets and Inventory, Fithriady Syam; and Deputy Treasurer, Luna Agustin.

With strong synergy between the government, the Indonesian Journalists Association and the community, the 2025 National Press Day in Riau is expected to be an important milestone in encouraging the revival of the press while strengthening the region's identity as a center of culture and progress. (release)

Pj Gubri, Rahman Hadi saat menerima audiensi dari Ketum PWI, Zulmansyah Sekedang, bersama jajaran pengurus PWI Riau (foto/ist)


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