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Delays Paying Pekanbaru City Government IDR 400 Billion, Fatullah Requests That Payment be Audited
Selasa, 07 Januari 2025 - 10:06:30 WIB

PEKANBARU – Pekanbaru City Government's potential payment delays of up to IDR 400 billion received attention from a member of the Pekanbaru City Regional People's Representative Council, Fathullah. He urged the Pekanbaru City Government to carry out a comprehensive audit before carrying out the payment process.

Fathullah stated the need of audits as an attempt to maintain openness and accountability in regional budget management, particularly the utilization of delayed payment monies, which are regarded extremely substantial.

“This debt is really enormous. Before payment is issued, the City Government must guarantee that all administrative and legal procedures follow the rules. This is a vital step to prevent any legal complications in the future,” said Fatullah, Monday (6/1/2025)

He also warned that regional financial pressures were rising, requiring more cautious and planned management. Fatullah said that the audit was a kind of protection for all parties concerned, including the Pekanbaru City government.

“We are not refusing payment, but there must be clarity. This audit aims to ensure that there is nothing that violates the rules or is detrimental to society,” he added.

Previously, Roni Rakhmat, the Mayor of Pekanbaru, indicated that the fulfillment of the Pekanbaru City Government Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget this year was just 77.87 percent. This poor realization was due to a paucity of transfer money from the national government.

“We admit that until now the channel funds have not been received, so this has had an impact on a number of large activities whose payments cannot be completed this year,” said Roni some time ago.

Roni revealed that the total payment delays that had to be resolved by the Pekanbaru City Government reached more than IDR 300 billion, but did not exceed IDR 400 billion.

Delays in payments are especially common in the Pekanbaru Public Works and Spatial Planning Department, as well as various other big regional apparatus agencies such as the Housing and Settlement Area Department.

“Large projects at the Pekanbaru Public Works and Spatial Planning Department and other Regional Apparatus Organizations are the main contributors to this payment delay,” said Roni.

Author: Mimi
Editor: Riki


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