2 Halloriau.com Journalists Win Achievements at the 2024 Pertamina Journalism Award Although Competing with Thousands of Works
PEKANBARU – Two Halloriau.com journalists, Andy Indrayanto and Riki Ariyanto, received important accolades at PT Pertamina's 2024 Pertamina Journalism Award ceremony.
This yearly event, with the theme Energizing The Acceleration, provides an opportunity for journalists to demonstrate their creativity by showcasing their finest journalistic work.
Andy Indrayanto won 2nd place for the Central Sumatra region in the non-business category through his work entitled “Struck by the Covid-19 Storm, Pertamina Field Lirik Officers Resurrected”.
Previously, Andy also scored an achievement at the 2024 Pertamina Hulu Rokan News Award (PENA), by occupying 3rd place in the online media category with his work “Zero to Hero: Knitting Hope, Achieving Dreams Through the Pertamina and Rumah Sewing Lestari Partnership”.
Meanwhile, Riki Ariyanto made an achievement by winning 3rd place in the non-business category in the Sumbagteng region through his work entitled “Guarding the Green Fortress, Inheriting Mangrove City for the World”.
Andy Indrayanto expressed appreciation for his accomplishments despite stiff competition from journalists from all around Indonesia.
“I am very grateful for this honor, since there are many competitors who have done outstanding work, some of them have won similar events several times. This is an extraordinary experience,”Andy stated on Friday evening (13/12/2024).
He also appreciated the editorial employees of Halloriau.com, lead by Chief Editor Budy Satria, for their support and workspace.
Riki Ariyanto also expressed his pride in the award, while hoping that his work could inspire many parties to care more about the environment.
Strict Selection and Increased ParticipationFajar Djoko Santoso, Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina, said that the 2024 Pertamina Journalism Award is proof of the important role of mass media in Pertamina's journey to maintain national energy security.
“The Pertamina Journalism Award is our commitment to support journalists throughout Indonesia in providing positive education and information to the public,” said Fajar.
He added that the enthusiasm of participants continues to increase from year to year. This year, 2,667 journalistic works were accepted, which shows significant growth compared to previous years.
“The assessment process was carried out objectively and in stages involving 21 judges at the territorial level and 9 national judges who came from academics, practitioners and senior journalists,” he added.
Fajar congratulates the winners and hope tht this award can motivate them to continue producing quality work in the future.
With the achievements achieved by Andy Indrayanto dan Riki Ariyanto, Halloriau.com increasingly shows its important role as media that only provides quality information, but also encourages its journalist to excel at the national level.
Author: Riki
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