
Hujan Hambat Pekerjaan Jalan Lintas Riau-Sumbar di Tanjung Alai, Bisa Tuntas Pekan Depan?
Capella Group Holds Blood Donation Again, Collects 193 Bags in Pekanbaru
Senin, 18 November 2024 - 11:01:04 WIB

PEKANBARU - As a form of commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Capella Group is again holding routine blood donation activities.

The event took place on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at the Capella Dinamik Nusantara (CDN) Riau office on Jalan Soekarno Hatta No. 88 in Pekanbaru City.

A total of 11 companies that are members of the Capella Group, including Capella Daihatsu, Isuindomas Putra and Capella Body Centre, also support this activity.

With a target of 200 blood bags, this event collaborates with the Indonesian Red Cross in Pekanbaru City and is held every four months. This activity was attended with high enthusiasm by the community.

Of the 341 registrants via the link provided by the committee, 198 people were declared to have passed the health examination.

However, five donors had to cancel their participation due to the queue being too long. The total blood collected reached 193 bags, or around 96.5 percent of the target.

“This activity is a form of implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as well as synergy for the country from the Capella Group. Previously, this activity was held at Capella Daihatsu, and now it is our turn to host it. The hope is that this activity can continue consistently,” said Person in Charge of CSR of CDN Riau, Soeryadi Theo.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Committee and Head of the Capella Dinamik Nusantara Arengka 88 Sales Office (SO) Branch, Daniel Santoso revealed the strategy behind the success of this event.

“We believe we can attract as many donations as possible. Aside from boosting the engagement of Capella Group workers, we also convey this information to the wider public via social media and corporate networks,” he explained.

These results show an improvement compared to previous activities, reflecting the spirit of collaboration which is at the core of the value of #GrowTogetherCapella, namely common interests, top priorities and collaboration together, growing together.

“This is a real form of Corporate Social Responsibility and synergy that we carry out for the community,” concluded Daniel Santoso.(released)

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