
Telkomsel Hadirkan Ramadan Berkah dengan Berbagi dan Konektivitas Andal
14 Years Old halloriau.com Dedicated to Keeping Up The Effort and Developing One
Selasa, 12 November 2024 - 10:09:07 WIB

TIME flies, as shown by the fact that cyber media www.halloriau.com has advanced for 14 years in the face of a wave of rapid technological change that is altering the media landscape of today.

Natural selection and media rivalry for the sustainability of cyber media seem to be extremely serious and vicious. There are those who want to live and don't want to die, those who are dying, and those who are continuing to grow and survive, battling the strong winds that are currently blowing through the cyber media industry, particularly ahead of the simultaneous regional elections on November 27th, because of the role of cyber media in making money very small.

The media serves as a source of inspiration, a guide to great human ideals, and a strong supporter of democracy. This is where halloriau.com continues to play a vital role and works hard to keep it that way.

Upholding the public interest, along with predicting news misinformation or the propagation of unaccounted for fake news, preserving balance in the life of the country and state, being part of democracy, and being independent, continues to be a balance.

We realize that in the digital age, speed and accuracy of information are vital considerations. While we are both aware that the speed of a process is typically inversely related to its precision.

Journalistic works that are brilliant, objective, and instructive are sorely missed by the public in the middle of the extensive distribution of information that forgets about objectivity and correctness as well as honesty and truth that must be given.

At the age of fourteen (14) this year, it gives confidence that the cyber media halloriau.com continues to strive to produce journalistic works that are intelligent, educational and take advantage of this special momentum to continue to mature, continue to work, be more creative and innovative, 'Together Create Digital Creativity'.

Greetings of excitement and success, hope that halloriau.com may continue to inspire and add color to national life while keeping the speed and accuracy of information transformation at the same level of quality for its users.

This is one of halloriau.com's promises to upholding the dignity of journalism by focusing on the ideals of reader trust, credibility, reality, and comprehensive viewpoint, all with the objective of making people's lives wiser.

We would like to thank everyone of halloriau.com's readers. We would also want to express our gratitude to our work/business partners, resource individuals, and other stakeholders who have always worked together and opened up when we needed them.

To the entire halloriau.com team, thank you. We are proud and salute his dedication and enthusiasm.

Sorry if you still see any issues. We will continue to develop in order to deliver the finest service to our readers, particularly those from the Malay land.

Happy 14th Anniversary halloriau.com
12 November 2010-2024

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Budy Satria
Acting Editor in Chief

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Jajaran Direksi Telkomsel saat menyerahkan donasi kepada Panti Asuhan Annisa Pekanbaru dan Panti Asuhan Bhakti Mufarridhun Pekanbaru serta menyerahkan donasi Program CSR Siaga RAFI 2025.(foto: istimewa)Telkomsel Hadirkan Ramadan Berkah dengan Berbagi dan Konektivitas Andal
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Komentar Anda :

Potret Lensa
Tingkatkan Kualitas SDM, PT BSP - UMRI Teken MoU
Eksekutif : Pemprov Riau Pekanbaru Dumai Inhu Kuansing Inhil Kampar Pelalawan Rohul Bengkalis Siak Rohil Meranti
Legislatif : DPRD Pekanbaru DPRD Dumai DPRD Inhu DPRD Kuansing DPRD Inhil DPRD Kampar DPRD Pelalawan DPRD Rohul
DPRD Bengkalis DPRD Siak DPRD Rohil DPRD Meranti
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