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5 Kuansing's Districts are Flooded, and a Disaster Alert has been Issued
Rabu, 15 Januari 2025 - 20:51:09 WIB
Lima Kuansing
Lima Kuansing's districts are flooded, and a disaster alert has been issued (photo/ultra)

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KUANSING – The Kuansing Regency Government has increased its ability to deal with possible calamities as a result of the heavy rains that has been falling on Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) Regency in recent weeks.

The Regent of Kuansing, Suhardiman Amby, instructed all related parties, especially the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), to be on alert.

"With the current high rainfall, of course we all have to be vigilant. To the relevant parties, namely the Regional Disaster Management Agency, Satpol PP, Social Service, Community and Village Empowerment Service, Health Service, Sub-district Heads, village heads to be ready to monitor and help people affected by the flood disaster," said Suhardiman Amby, Wednesday (15/1/2025).

The Kuansing Regional Secretary, Fahdiansyah, subsequently conducted a coordination meeting in the multimedia room of theRegent's office on Tuesday, 14/1/2025, in order to prepare for assessing the crisis scenario. Representatives from the Riau Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency and the Riau National Disaster Management Agency participated in the meeting via Zoom, along with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum, assistants, heads of regional apparatus organizations, subdistrict heads, village heads, Indonesian State Army, Indonesian National Police, and Indonesian Red Cross.

According to the Riau Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, rain levels in the West Sumatra and Riau regions are predicted to stay high through April.

Responding to this prediction, the Regional Secretary together with the Kuansing Regional Disaster Management Agency immediately declared disaster alert status.

The occurrence of floods in a number of Kuansing subdistricts and forecasts of sustained excessive rainfall over the coming months are the basis for determining this category.

"Based on current data, there are 5 sub districts affected by flooding, namely Logas Tanah Darat, Sentajo Raya, Hulu Kuantan, Inuman and Singingin Hilir," said the Regional Secretary.

Author: Ultra Sandi
Editor: M. Iqbal

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