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Arriving at Riau, The Body of an Indonesian Citizen Victim of The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency Shooting was Buried in Bengkalis
Rabu, 29 Januari 2025 - 23:25:58 WIB
Rahman Hadi, Governor of Riau, and Boby Rachmat, Head of the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Service, met the corpse at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Cargo Pekanbaru.(pict: meri/halloriau.com)
Rahman Hadi, Governor of Riau, and Boby Rachmat, Head of the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Service, met the corpse at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Cargo Pekanbaru.(pict: meri/halloriau.com)

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WNI yang Selamat dari Penembakan Aparat Malaysia, Bantah Lakukan Penyerangan
Tiba di Riau, Jenazah WNI Korban Penembakan APMM Malaysia Dimakamkan di Bengkalis

PEKANBARU - The victim of the Malaysian Maritime Authority (APMM) shooting in Tanjung Rhu Waters on behalf of Basri arrived in Pekanbaru City, Wednesday (29/1/2025) at 16.00 WIB.

Rahman Hadi, Governor of Riau, and Boby Rachmat, Head of the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Service, met the corpse at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Cargo Pekanbaru.

The victim's corpse was then brought immediately to Rupat Island, Bengkalis Regency, for burial.

Brigadier General Pol Dayan Victor Imanuel Blegur, Secretary of the Directorate General of Protection at the Ministry for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, expressed gratitude that the whole procedure of returning the corpses to Indonesia proceeded successfully.

“The process of returning the body went smoothly, we also thank all parties involved in the return of the body,” according to him.

His party will also immediately take the body to the funeral home and will also provide compensation.

He noted that in order to avoid such situations in the future, his party would continue to tighten efforts to prevent the presence of illegal migrant laborers. This includes pursuing strong action against brokers.

In addition to the Governor of Riau, the arrival of the body was welcomed by Hadi Wahyuningrum, Director of Reintegration and Family Strengthening at the Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, and Judha Nugraha, Director for Protection of Indonesian Citizens at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as family representatives.

For the information, this shooting incident began on Friday (24/1/2025) at around 03.00 am local time, when the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency shot at a ship in the waters of Tanjung Rhu, Selangor.

According to Malaysia, the shooting was carried out after the passengers on the ship allegedly resisted. However, this action received attention from the Indonesian side.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia are demanding a comprehensive investigation to reveal the facts behind the incident, including the possible use of excessive force by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.

As part of efforts to protect affected Indonesian citizens, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Kuala Lumpur has sent a diplomatic note to the Malaysian government.

This memorandum urges an open and accountable inquiry of the occurrence.

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: Barkah


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