
Duel Sengit, Indonesia Tahan Imbang Laos 3-3 di Piala AFF 2024
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Corruption Eradication Commission Searches Pekanbaru Kesbangpol Office Again, 2 Suitcases Transported
Kamis, 12 Desember 2024 - 22:21:14 WIB

PEKANBARU - On Thursday, December 12, 2024, the Corruption Eradication Commission conducted another search at the National and Political Unity Agency's office at the Tenayan Raya Office Complex in Pekanbaru. The search took six hours, starting at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 17.05 p.m.

As reported by halloriau.com, staff from the Corruption Eradication Commission were spotted bringing two bags out of Building B6, which served as the inspection site. A number of police officers and Civil Service Police Unit members were observed standing watch in the building lobby to provide security during the search.

Not long after the search was completed, five Innova cars were seen leaving Building B6 at around 17.10.

This search is part of the Corruption Eradication Commission's ongoing efforts to comprehensively examine suspected criminal acts of corruption that were discovered in a sting operation inside the Pekanbaru City Government involving several entities some time ago.

Until this news was published, the Corruption Eradication Commission had not provided an official statement regarding the evidence or findings from the search. This search is part of the Corruption Eradication Commission's attempts to address many cases in the Pekanbaru district.

This action raised public awareness of the anti-corruption agency's law enforcement efforts. This case adds to the Corruption Eradication Commission's extensive record of law enforcement actions against corrupt activities in regional administration.

Author: Dini
Editor: Riki


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