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Police Examine 11 Witnesses Regarding Clashes at Pekanbaru Car Wash, 4 People Have Been Arrested
Selasa, 19 November 2024 - 10:29:26 WIB

PEKANBARU - On Monday (18/11), police officers arrested four persons accused of involvement in the damage and fights at a venue suspected of being a gaming arena disguised as a car wash on Jalan Tuanku Tambusai in Pekanbaru City. This occurrence generated turmoil, drawing the attention of the surrounding population.

Head of Public Relations for the Riau Regional Police, Police Commissioner Anom Caribbeannto, revealed that to date the Pekanbaru City Police Research and Crime Unit team together with the Riau Regional Police have examined 11 witnesses regarding the incident.

“The eleven witnesses consist of local security officers, local residents and tenants of the place,” explained Chief Commissioner Anom when confirmed.

The police are currently gathering evidence and searching for additional criminals engaged in the crime. Chief Commissioner Anom highlighted that the public would continue to be kept informed on developments in this investigation.

“We will continue to investigate this case. What is clear is that there is no place for criminals in the Riau region,” he said.

The reason of the incident is still being investigated by the police. However, according to Chief Commissioner Anom, this occurrence is likely to be associated with a change in the action plan by one of the community organizations (ormas).

“Initially, the Community Organization for the Defense of the Unity of the United Indonesian Homeland (PEKAT-IB) communicated that they would stage a protest elsewhere, but somehow it developed into an act of damage at the carwash area,” he said, quoted by Antarariau.

In this incident, one person was reported to have suffered injuries and had undergone a post-mortem process. Until now, the police are committed to completing the investigation and ensuring that all perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.(*)


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