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Two People in Tembilahan Died After Stabbing Each Other After an Argument That Resulted in Their Intestines Coming Out
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2024 - 21:39:42 WIB

TEMBILAHAN - Two persons were killed in a fight that discovered with a stabbing on Captain Muhktar Street, Tembilahan Hilir Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) Regency, on Friday (4/10/2024), evening. At around 22.10 WIT, the victim known as Zulfeno Akbar alias Enjo (22) was stabbed by the perpetrator known as Riyan (25).

Enjo collapsed quickly as the sharp instrument stabbed him in the back. Meanwhile, Riyan had been knifed in the stomach, causing sections of his intestines to open or come out. Residents took both of them to the Puri Husada Tembilahan Regional Hospital, but Enjo's life
could not be saved and he was declared dead and handed over to his family.

Meanwhile, Riyan immediately received medical treatment from the hospital because he suffered serious injuries to his stomach as a result of being stabbed by Enjo's friend who ran away and whose identity is not yet known.

Adjunct Police Commissioner Anggi Rian Diansyah, the head of the Indragiri Hilir Resort Police's Criminal Investigation Unit, verified that the deadly event took place inside the Indragiri Hilir Police jurisdiction. However, Adjunct Police Commissioner Anggi said that no complaint of the stabbing event had been submitted to the Indragiri Hilir Police.

"No one has been questioned yet, no one from the victim's family has gone to the police station," said Adjunct Police Commissioner Anggi briefly when confirmed by the Pekanbaru Tribune, Saturday (5/10/2024) morning.

According to evidence acquired in the field and numerous sources, the murdered victim, identified as Enjo, had previously stopped and phoned the culprit Riyan around 21.30 WIB. Then Enjo was visited by Riyan and a friend (whose identity is not yet known) in front of the Bandung Fashion Shop.

When Enjo shouted or asked for money, Riyan, who thought he didn't take it, pulled out a spear from his belt and quickly injured Enjo on the left side of his back.

When Enjo's companion (whose name is unknown) saw this, he quickly pursued Riyan, who escaped to the shophouse right next to the Plaza near the usual shop and stabbed him in the stomach approximately 5 cm. The names of the perpetrator's and victim's friends are still
unknown. This event is said to have happened because of indications of an ancient resentment.

People then rushed both of them to the Puri Husada Tembilahan Regional General Hospital,
where Enjo was declared dead and Riyan got medical care.

However, Riyan's life could not be saved after suffering serious injuries to his stomach. The Puri Husada Regional General Hospital confirmed that Riyan breathed his last breath on Saturday (5/10/2024) morning.

“One person (Enjo) came to the Emergency Room already dead. The other person (Riyan) this morning died in the ICU after trying to be given medical assistance,” said Director of the Puri Husada Regional General Hospital, dr Rahmat Susanto.

Author : Ayendra
Editor: Riki


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