
DPRD Pekanbaru Bahas Opsi Libur Sekolah dan Pengurangan Jam Belajar saat Ramadan
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Police Seize Documents, Laptops and Head Checks from The Riau Regional People's Representative Council After Allegations of Corruption Using Fictitious Official Travel Orders (SPPD)
Kamis, 12 September 2024 - 09:33:20 WIB
Investigators from the Riau Police seized several documents during a search of the Riau Regional House of Representatives office.(photo: int)
Investigators from the Riau Police seized several documents during a search of the Riau Regional House of Representatives office.(photo: int)

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PEKANBARU - For the past two days, the Riau DPRD Office has been the focus of extensive searches by the Sub Directorate III of Corruption Crimes of the Riau Regional Police Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation.

These searches are connected to allegations of corruption involving fake travel orders (SPPD) at the Secretariat of the Council (Setwan) of the Riau Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD).

Head of the Public Relations Division of the Riau Regional Police, Police Commissioner Anom Karibianto, revealed that the search process began on Tuesday (10/9/2024) and continues until Wednesday (11/9/2024).

"The investigation is still ongoing. Documents, laptops, PC's, check stubs and a smartphone have all been confiscated in the meantime,” according to Anom, as reported by tribunpekanbaru.com.

Anom added that the search was carried out in the Setwan office area witnessed by the heads of the local Neighbourhood (RW and RT).

"The search was also witnessed by the person in charge of the room, as well as the heads of the local Neighbourhood (RW and RT)," he explained.

Under the close observation of security personnel, the search was conducted in phases on Tuesday, October 9, 2024, from morning to evening.

According to Police Commissioner Anom, this search had received permission from the local court.

"This search process was carried out in accordance with legal procedures, and we are trying to collect evidence related to the alleged corruption that is being investigated. There is a lot of evidence being sought, estimated at around 3 thousand items," he said.

To guarantee that nothing would impede the investigation's progress, officials sternly guarded the secretariat office of the Riau Regional People's Representative Council throughout the search.

The alleged corruption of this fictitious Official Travel Order has become a public spotlight, and it is hoped that investigators' steps in collecting evidence will provide clarity regarding the case being handled.(*)


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Tingkatkan Kualitas SDM, PT BSP - UMRI Teken MoU
Eksekutif : Pemprov Riau Pekanbaru Dumai Inhu Kuansing Inhil Kampar Pelalawan Rohul Bengkalis Siak Rohil Meranti
Legislatif : DPRD Pekanbaru DPRD Dumai DPRD Inhu DPRD Kuansing DPRD Inhil DPRD Kampar DPRD Pelalawan DPRD Rohul
DPRD Bengkalis DPRD Siak DPRD Rohil DPRD Meranti
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