
Rudi Kurniawan Nakhodai BPC HIPMI Kepulauan Meranti Periode 2025-2028, Targetkan Kemajuan Ekonomi Lokal
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Here's The Victim's Condition After Another Assault by a Sumatran Tiger on Sungai Apit Siak Locals
Kamis, 05 September 2024 - 13:31:08 WIB

SIAK - In the Sungai Apit District of Siak Regency, a tiger is said to have attacked a logging worker. On April 8, 2024, a tiger assaulted Jonheri, a 40-year-old person of Rawa Mekar Jaya, during his lunch break at work.

From the information obtained, the victim and his colleague were resting at around 12.00 WIB. At that time they were on the Rawa River border with Buton.

Hamid, the victim's coworker, said that Jonheri now has cuts on his hands, neck, and head after suffering a tiger bite and scratches.

At that time, Hamid admitted that he wanted to pray. But suddenly he heard screams not far from where he was praying. Because of the sound of screaming, Hamid immediately approached the victim, who at that time was lying face down.

Meanwhile, the tiger had pounced on the victim's head from above. Seeing this, Hamid and other workers immediately chased the tiger away. Luckily the tiger let go of the victim, then walked away.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sungai Apit Sector Police, Adjunct Police Commissioner, Rinaldi, confirmed the incident. Currently, personnel have gone to the Assistant Health Center to ask for information from the victim and witnesses.

"He's right, now our members have gone to the location. We also appeal to all residents of Sungai Apit not to leave their homes at dusk. Because we are afraid that the tiger is still roaming the location," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Siak Regency, H Heriyanto SH, said that he had sent an Animal Rescue Team to the scene.

"We are confirming whether the tiger is still roaming the scene or has left. We have also
coordinated with the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center. We will continue to carry
out searches," he said.

Author: Diana
Editor: Riki


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