
Pemkab Kepulauan Meranti Terpaksa Tutup Akses Jalan Revolusi Akibat Dijadikan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Illegal
Plantation Service Releases Price of Riau Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch for March 19-25, 2025, Highest IDR 3,718/Kg
Rabu, 19 Maret 2025 - 11:33:01 WIB

PEKANBARU – Riau Province Plantation Service has issued the price of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for plasma partnership palm oil for the period of March 19-25, 2025, which shows a substantial rise.

Defris Hatmaja, Head of Processing and Marketing at Riau Disbun, said that the highest price rise happened in the 9-year-old age group, amounting to IDR 28.36/Kg, or 0.77% from the previous period.

“So far the purchase price of farmers' fresh fruit bunches has increased to Rp3,718.09/Kg with the price of shells at Rp21.32/Kg,” said Defris Hatmaja, Tuesday (18/3/2025).

In this period, the K index used is the K index for the next 1 month, namely 92.09%, the selling price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) this week increased by IDR 115.20 and kernel this week increased by IDR 719.72 from last week.

“Several palm oil factories do not generate revenue. According to Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018, article 8, the CPO and kernel prices used are the team's average price; if subject to validation 2, the KPBN average price is applied,” he said.

The average price of KPBN CPO for this period is IDR 15,077.50 and the price of KPBN kernel for this period is IDR 12,680.00.

“Even though the K index in this period experienced a slight decrease due to a decrease in processed fresh fruit bunches at the factory which resulted in an increase in costs per kilogram of processed FFB, the price of fresh fruit bunches set by the team for plasma partners increased,” he said.

Defris claimed that the price hike was due to enhanced pricing governance, which was made possible by the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office.

“This joint commitment will ultimately have an impact on increasing farmers' income which will lead to community welfare,” he concluded.

The following is the price determination for fresh fruit bunches for palm oil plasma partnership Riau Province No. 10 period 19 - 25 March 2025:
Age 3 Years (Rp 2,864.74);
Age 4 Years (Rp 3,248.63);
Age 5 Years (Rp 3,443.31);
Age 6 Years (Rp 3,593.42);
Age 7 Years (Rp 3,670.60);
Age 8 Years (Rp 3,713.96);
Age 9 Years (Rp 3,718.09);
Age 10-20 Years (Rp 3,698.07);
Age 21 (Rp 3,639.82);
Age 22 (Rp 3,583.95);
Age 23 (Rp 3,524.32);
Age 24 (Rp 3,458.94);
Age 25 (Rp 3,385.44);

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal

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