
Kebakaran Hebat di Selatpanjang, Tiga Rumah Ludes, Bupati Asmar Bersama OPD Terkait Sigap Beri BantuanKebakaran Hebat di Selatpanjang, Tiga Rumah Ludes, Bupati Asmar Bersama OPD Terkait Sigap Beri Bantuan
Mitra Swadaya Palm Oil in Riau Raises Price of Fresh Fruit Bunches to IDR 3,658/Kg, Details Here
Selasa, 04 Maret 2025 - 14:39:42 WIB

PEKANBARU – Riau Province Plantation Service (Disbun) has set the price of fresh fruit bunches for independent partnership oil palm from March 5 to 11, 2025.

Defris Hatmaja, Head of the Riau Disbun's Processing and Marketing Division, said that the largest price rise was in the 9 year old age bracket, equal to IDR 37.65/Kg or 1.04% from the previous week's pricing.

“So the purchase price for farmers' fresh fruit bunches for the next one week period will increase to IDR 3,658.61/Kg with a shell price of IDR 31.25/Kg,” he said, Tuesday (4/3/2025).

In this period, the K index used is the K index for the next 1 month, namely 92.67%, the selling price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) this week rose by IDR 292.75/kg from last week and the selling price of kernel this week fell by IDR 423.66/kg from last week.

There are various Palm Oil Factories that do not sell, according to Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018 article 8, the CPO and Kernel prices used are the team's average pricing, if the CPO or kernel prices are subject to validation 2, the KPBN average price is used.

“The average price of KPBN CPO is IDR 15,234.33/Kg and the KPBN Kernel price for this period is still using the price for last week's period of IDR 11,400.00/Kg,” he said.

This price increase is the result of the hard work of all stakeholders, supported by the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office.

“This joint commitment will ultimately have an impact on increasing farmers' income which will lead to community welfare,” he said.

The following is the price of fresh fruit bunches for oil palm, Riau Province Independent Partnership No. 8 Period 5 – 11 March 2025:
Age 3 years (Rp 2,824.28);
Age 4 years (Rp 3,155.68);
Age 5 years (Rp 3,392.81);
Age 6 years (Rp 3,525.37);
Age 7 years (Rp 3,604.05);
Age 8 years (Rp 3,648.35);
Age 9 years (Rp 3,658.61);
Age 10-20 years (Rp 3,617.48);
Age 21 years (Rp 3,553.67);
Age 22 years (Rp 3,481.01);
Age 23 years (Rp 3,398.41);
Age 24 years (Rp 3,336.03);
Age 25 years (Rp 3,284.63);

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal

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