
Dukung Ketahanan Pangan, Polres Inhil Panen Raya Jagung Serentak
The Price of Mitra Plasma Palm Oil Fresh Fruit Bunches in Riau Has Reached IDR 3,683 per Kilogram
Rabu, 26 Februari 2025 - 11:42:16 WIB

PEKANBARU – The Riau Province Plantation Service reported that the price of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for the plasma partnership for the period 26 February - 4 March 2025 has hit a new high of IDR 3,683 per kilogram.

Defris Hatmaja, Head of the Riau Plantation Service's Processing and Marketing Division, claimed that the most significant price increase happened in the 9-year-old age group, with an increase of IDR 78.77 per kilogram, or 2.19% over the previous period.

“So the purchase price for farmers' fresh fruit bunches for the next one week period will increase to IDR 3,683.33/Kg with a shell price of IDR 18.70/Kg,” said Defris Hatmaja, Tuesday (25/2/2025).

In this time, the K index utilized is the K index for the next one month, which is 92.89%. The selling price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) this week grew by Rp. 324.54, and the kernel reached by Rp. 243.10 from the previous week.

There are various palm oil companies that do not sell; according to Permentan number 01 of 2018, article 8, the CPO and kernel prices used are the average team prices; if they are subject to validation 2, the average KPBN price is used.

“The average price of KPBN CPO this period is IDR 15,118 and the price of KPBN kernel this period is IDR 11,400.00,” he said.

He added that this week's increase in prices was caused by rising CPO and kernel costs.

Improving price governance requires a concerted effort by all stakeholders, backed by the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office.

“This joint commitment will ultimately have an impact on increasing farmers' income which will lead to community welfare,” he said.

Determination of prices for fresh fruit bunches of Riau Province Plasma Partnership No. 07
period 26 February - 4 March 2025 :
Age 3 Years (Rp2,829.63);
Age 4 Years (Rp3,216.16);
Age 5 Years (Rp3,411.25);
Age 6 Years (Rp3,561.20);
Age 7 Years (Rp3,636.99);
Age 8 Years (Rp3,680.10);
Age 9 Years (Rp3,683.33);
Age 10-20 Years (Rp3,662.71);
Age 21 (Rp3,603.91);
Age 22 (Rp3,547.22);
Age 23 (Rp3,487.02);
Age 24 (Rp3,420.87);
Age 25 (Rp3,346.67);

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal

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