
Hujan Hambat Pekerjaan Jalan Lintas Riau-Sumbar di Tanjung Alai, Bisa Tuntas Pekan Depan?
Fresh Fruit Bunches From Sawit Swadaya in Riau Cost IDR 3,479/Kg
Kamis, 07 November 2024 - 08:34:18 WIB

PEKANBARU - For the period of November 6-12, 2024, the Riau Province Plantation Service has established the price of fresh fruit bunches for independent partnership oil palm in Riau.

Head of the Riau Province Plantation Service, Syahrial Abdi, said that there was the highest price increase in the 9 year age group, reaching 0.76 compared to last week.

“The price increase reached IDR 26.19/Kg. So the price of fresh fruit bunches for independent farmers rose to IDR 3,479.88/Kg with a shell price of IDR 22.50/Kg,” said Syahrial Abdi, Wednesday (6/11/2024).

The K index utilized at this time is 92.86 percent, which is the K index for the next month. Sales of kernels and crude palm oil rose by IDR 97.10/kg and IDR 106.65/kg, respectively, from the previous week.

There are several Palm Oil Factories that do not sell, based on Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018 article 8, the price of Crude Palm Oil and Kernel used is the average price of the team, if the price of Crude Palm Oil or Kernel is subject to validation 2 then the average price is used on Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara.

“The average price of Crude Palm Oil at Kharisma Bersama Nusantara Marketing is IDR 14,850.20/Kg and the price of KPBN Kernel is IDR 10,150.00/Kg,” he said.

The price rise this week was mostly caused by higher costs for kernels and crude palm oil. All parties involved are making a sincere effort to improve price governance, with assistance from the Riau High Prosecutor's Office and the Riau Provincial Government.

“This joint commitment will ultimately have an impact on increasing farmers' income which will lead to community welfare,” he concluded.

Determination of Prices for Fresh Palm Fruit Bunch Riau Provincial Self-Help Partnership
No. 41 Period 6-12 November 2024:

Age 3 years (Rp. 2,681.07)
Age 4 years (Rp. 2,998.84)
Age 5 years (Rp. 3,227.09)
Age 6 years (Rp. 3,354.20)
Age 7 years (Rp. 3,428.99)
Age 8 years (Rp. 3,471.50)
Age 9 years (Rp. 3,479.88)
Age 10-20 years (Rp. 3,439.55)
Age 21 years (Rp. 3,377.66)
Age 22 years (Rp. 3,307.46)
Age 23 years (Rp. 3,227.69)
Age 24 (Rp. 3,167.49)
Age 25 years (Rp. 3,117.81).

Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki

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