
Pj Bupati Kampar Apresiasi Kerja Sama PT BSP dan UMRI dalam Program Bantuan Pendidikan
The Price of Fresh Plasma Palm Fruit Bunches in Riau Today Reaches IDR 3,358/Kg
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2024 - 12:09:33 WIB

PEKANBARU - The cost of fresh fruit bunches for plasma partner palm oil has been set by the Riau Province Plantation Service for the dates of October 23–29, 2024.

Head of Processing and Marketing at the Riau Plantation Service, Defria Hatmaja, said there was an increase in prices of 0.09 percent compared to last week.

“The 9-year-old age group had the largest price rise, at IDR 2.98/kg. As a result, farmers now pay IDR 3,358.55 per kilogram for fresh fruit bunches, while the shell price is IDR 18.64 per kilogram,” he said.

The K index utilized in this time is the K index for the next month, which is 92.28 persen. This week's selling prices of kernel and crude palm oil both dropped by Rp126.31 and IDR 43.15, respectively, from the previous week.

Several palm oil factories do not sell. According to Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018 article 8, the team's average price for crude palm oil and kernels is used if validation number 2 is required, Kharisma Bersama Nusantara Marketing's average price is used.

“The average price of Kharisma Bersama Nusantara Marketing Crude Palm Oil this period is IDR 14,037.50 and the price of Kharisma Bersama Nusantara Marketing kernels this period
is IDR 9,950.00,” he said.

This week's price increase was more due to the increase in Crude Palm Oil prices. Improving pricing governance is a serious effort from all stakeholders supported by the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office.

“This joint commitment will ultimately have an impact on increasing farmers' income which will lead to community welfare,” he said.

Determination of prices for fresh fruit bunches of Riau Provincial Plasma Partnership No. 39 period 23 - 29 October 2024:

Age 3 Years (Rp. 2,575.91);
Age 4 Years (Rp. 2,931.72);
Age 5 Years (Rp. 3,110.77);
Age 6 Years (Rp. 3,248.11);
Age 7 Years (Rp. 3,316.75);
Age 8 Years (Rp. 3,356.12);
Age 9 Years (Rp. 3,358.55);
Age 10-20 Years (Rp. 3,339.31);
Age 21 (Rp. 3,285.08);
Age 22 (Rp. 3,232.66);
Age 23 (Rp. 3,177.14);
Age 24 (Rp. 3,116.07);
Age 25 (Rp. 3,047.64).

Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: Riki

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Penjabat (Pj) Bupati Kampar, Hambali.Pj Bupati Kampar Apresiasi Kerja Sama PT BSP dan UMRI dalam Program Bantuan Pendidikan
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