
Heran Namanya Dihubung-hubungkan dengan Kasus Flyover, Ini Kata SF Hariyanto
Fresh Fruit Bunches in Mitra Swadaya Palm Oil Cost Up to IDR 3,348 in Riau
Rabu, 16 Oktober 2024 - 13:09:47 WIB

PEKANBARU - For the month of October 16–22, 2024, the Riau Province Plantation
Service has set the price of fresh fruit bunches for independent partnership oil palm in Riau.

Head of Processing and Marketing Division of Riau Province Plantation Service, Defris
Hatmaja, said there was an increase of 2.11 percent compared to last week.

“The highest price increase was in the 9 year age group, amounting to IDR 69.07/Kg. So the
purchase price of Freshpetani Fruit Bunches rose to IDR 3,348.15/Kg with a shell price of
IDR 22.50/Kg,” on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, according to Defris.

In this period the K index used is the K index for the next 1 month, namely 92.86%. The
selling price of Crude Palm Oil this week increased by IDR 77.52/kg from last week and the
selling price of kernel this week increased by IDR 637.51/kg from last week.

"There are several palm oil factories that do not make sales. Based on Minister of Agriculture
Regulation number 01 of 2018 article 8, the price of Crude Palm Oil and Kernel used is the
average price of the team, if the price of CPO or kernel is subject to validation 2 then the
average price of The Charisma of Joint Marketing of the Archipelago (KPBN),” he said.

Average price of Crude Palm Oil The Nusantara Joint Marketing Kharisma (KPBN) is IDR
14,040.00/Kg, while the Kernel price is used at an average price of IDR 9,935.00/Kg.

“This week's price increase is more due to the increase in CPO and Kernel prices. Improving
price setting governance is a serious effort from all stakeholders supported by the Riau
Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office,” he concluded.
Setting Prices for Riau Provincial Self-Help Partnership No. 38's Fresh Palm Fruit Bunch for
the Period of October 16–22, 2024:

Age 3 years (Rp. 2,582.88);
Age 4 years (Rp. 2,886.90);
Age 5 years (Rp. 3,104.51);
Age 6 years (Rp. 3,226.12);
Age 7 years (Rp. 3,298.23);
Age 8 years (Rp. 3,338.88);
Age 9 years (Rp. 3,348.15);
Age 10-20 years (Rp. 3,310.34);
Age 21 years (Rp. 3,251.73);
Age 22 years (Rp. 3,185.02);
Age 23 years (Rp. 3,109.20);
Age 24 years (Rp. 3,051.93);
Age 25 years (Rp. 3,004.74).

Author: Yuni
Editor: Riki

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Komentar Anda :

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