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The Extraordinary Congress of the Indonesian Journalists Association
Zulmansyah is Now Elected as The General Chair for the 2023-2028 period
Senin, 19 Agustus 2024 - 05:42:08 WIB
Zulmansyah Sekedang was elected by acclamation as General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association.(photo: istimewa)
Zulmansyah Sekedang was elected by acclamation as General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association.(photo: istimewa)

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Aklamasi di KLB PWI, Zulmansyah Sekedang Jadi Ketum Terpilih Periode 2023-2028
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JAKARTA - Zulmansyah Sekedang has officially been elected as General Chair of the

Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) for the 2023-2028 period.

The election was held through the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) at the Grand Paragon Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday (18/8/2024).

The Extraordinary Congress procedure proceeded well since just one candidate contested for the position of General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association.

Meanwhile, the two prior candidates, Ahmad Munir and Rajab Ritonga, have announced their resignation from the nomination process.

Zulmansyah Sekedang was elected by acclamation as General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association replacing the previous chairman Hendri CH Bangun.

The Extraordinary Congress then moved on to elect the Chairman of the Honorary Council of
the Indonesian Journalists Association for the remainder of his tenure, which Sasongko Tedjo
won by acclamation.

Zulmansyah Sekedang, the elected General Chair of the Indonesian Journalists Association,
has stated that he is willing to accept sanctions if attitudes and actions in his future leadership
of the Indonesian Journalists Association violate the organization's Basic Regulations and Household Regulations (PD/PRT).

"I will not fight, I am ready to be sanctioned if I violate it," he said.

The Extraordinary Congress (KLB) was organized to preserve the organization's honor and journalists' integrity.

Because earlier there was chaos inside the Central Indonesian Journalists Association.(*)


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