
Jadwal Imsakiyah Pekanbaru Selama Ramadan 1446 H
Financial Literacy Among Teens Remains Low, ICDX Prioritizes Early Investment Education
Kamis, 24 Oktober 2024 - 15:16:39 WIB

JAKARTA - Indonesians still have a poor degree of financial literacy, particularly among teens between the ages of 15 and 17. According to the Financial Services Authority and Central Statistics Agency's 2024 National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion, Indonesians, particularly those between the ages of 15 and 17, have a financial literacy level of only 51.70%.

This figure is much lower than the 18-25 year old group at 70.19 percent, 26-35 year olds which reached 74.82 percent, and 36-50 year olds at 71.72 percent.

The low level of financial literacy, particularly among teens, is obviously a problem for all parties, according to Fajar Wibhiyadi, Main Director of the Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (ICDX), also known as the Indonesian Commodity and Derivatives Exchange. Particularly for those involved in the banking and investment industry.

“This is an attempt to provide the public a basic grasp of finance and investing from a young age so that this set of teens would be well-versed in it when they start their productive years,” he said.

For this reason, ICDX, as one of the Self-Regulatory Organizations in the Commodity Futures Trading industry, has been running a sustainable literacy program targeting people from their teenage years. One of the efforts we carry out is to provide literacy about investment, especially in the commodity futures trading sector, for high school students.

“This literacy is very important for the younger generation so they can take advantage of the right investments and also avoid various financial risks, such as fraud and fraudulent investments,” continued Fajar Wibhiyadi.

The principal of Budi Scholar Islamic School, Bayu Indah Susanti, said that pupils will undoubtedly benefit much from knowing how to engage in the commodities futures trading industry, which is handled by ICDX.

“This will specifically help our pupils learn about investing, particularly futures trading, at an earlier age,” said Bayu Indah.

Regarding literacy for teenagers, ICDX has carried out this literacy activity on an ongoing basis which is run by the ICDX Academy.

Finally, 57 students from Budi Scholar Islamic School received literacy instruction from ICDX. Aside from that, the ICDX literacy program has been implemented sustainably via initiatives at schools, colleges, and other institutions. (realease)

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