
Tak Ada Lagi Toleransi, Operator Sampah Pekanbaru Harus Rutin Angkut Sampah
Bumi Siak Pusako Signs MoU with High Prosecutor's Office Riau
Selasa, 24 September 2024 - 19:14:33 WIB
This strategic collaboration was marked by the signing of a MoU between the Director of BSP, Iskandar and Akmal Abbas (photo/ist)
This strategic collaboration was marked by the signing of a MoU between the Director of BSP, Iskandar and Akmal Abbas (photo/ist)

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PEKANBARU - Working along with the Riau High Prosecutor's Office, Bumi Siak Pusako (BSP) conducts oil and gas activities in the Coastal Plain Pekanbaru (CPP) Working Area (WK).

This strategic collaboration was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Director of Bumi Siak Pusako, Iskandar and Akmal Abbas SH MH in Batam, Riau Islands, Tuesday (24/9/2024).

During that particular occasion, Iskandar underscored that BSP was assigned the task of overseeing the Pekanbaru Coastal Plain Working Area for a period of 20 years. Consequently, Bumi Siak Pusako is required to guarantee the seamless operation of oil and gas activities inside the Pekanbaru Coastal Plain Working Area, in compliance with relevant rules.

"With the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, BSP, as a regionally owned enterprise that the region depends on and as a state dividend contributor, must ensure that the oil and gas operations it conducts can uphold the highest standards of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Things are going well," Iskandar stated.

The cooperation agreement covers the following areas: law enforcement, institutional strengthening, civil and state administration, legal help, legal considerations, and other legal activities; and other areas of mutually agreed upon collaboration. Meanwhile, the Riau High Prosecutor, Akmal Abbas congratulated Bumi Siak Pusako for having signed the MoU.

"We, through the civil and state administration sector, with special powers can act both inside and outside the court for and on behalf of the authorizer, in the case of Bumi Siak Pusako Oil and Gas operations in the Pekanbaru Coastal Plain Working Area, we can also provide legal assistance, consideration law, saving assets for activities in the Bumi Siak Pusako environment," said Akmal Abas.

"This aims to ensure that input and suggestions are submitted in accordance with existing regulations, avoiding involvement in decision making which is the authority of technical officials, not intervening and JPN ensuring that the implementation of activities is in accordance with legal rules to prevent errors or deviations that give rise to legal risks. , both civil and criminal," he said.

Also present at the signing of the MoU were Assistant for Civil Affairs and State Administration, Furqonsyah, Head of Civil Affairs, Budi Fitriadi, Corporate Secretary of BSP, Ardian Ardi, Head of the Internal Supervisory Unit, Rafiq Imtihan and the ranks of State Attorneys and BSP Legal. (release)

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