
Status Pekanbaru Darurat Sampah Dikritik, Ini Respon Pj Wako
MSMEs Get Digital Marketing Training and Certification from BRK Syariah to Expand Their Market Reach
Selasa, 03 September 2024 - 14:40:09 WIB

PEKANBARU - A total of 20 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) customers of Bank Riau Kepri (BRK) Syariah in the Pekanbaru City area took part in Digital Marketing training and certification.

It is essential for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to possess pertinent abilities in digital marketing due to the rapid advancements in technology and digitalization.

MKM Division Leader, M Jazuli, through the MKM Program Financing Pinbag Jon Hendri said that the training and certification held was one of the programs of the BRK Syariah MKM Center. Where the participants are specifically BRK Syariah customers and institutions that have collaborated with BRK Syariah.

The purpose of this activity is to provide MSME participants the information and abilities they need to use digital marketing to raise the exposure and sales of their goods. We believe that MSME firms may access a larger market with the expertise they acquire in the future," said Jon Hendri, Monday ( 2/9/2024).

Jon continued, this activity is proof that BRK Syariah actively plays a role in efforts to improve MSME actors by facilitating activities that can improve digital-based MSME marketing skills.

"The activity will last for three days starting on August 28 and 29 2024 for the training session and September 2 2024 for the certification exam session," he said.

The Digital Marketing Technology Professional Certification Institute (LSP) performed interviews with participants from a variety of business disciplines, and they were quite excited. Additionally, the National Professional Certification Agency, UMRI, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Small and Medium Industries (IKM) of the Archipelago, and the Indonesian Digital Marketing Association are partners in this program.

Meanwhile, the owner of Dapua Stabay, Sutrisno, on this occasion admitted that he was very satisfied with the program from the Bank Riau Kepri (BRK) Syariah Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Center. The knowledge he gained during the training was very useful to apply in developing his business.

"We are very happy to be invited to take part in this training, so that we get material regarding digital marketing strategies, the use of social media, SEO, and other digital tools that can help us optimize our current business. Apart from gaining knowledge, we also received certificates from official institutions, " said Sutrisno.

According to the owner of this healthy food business, one effective way to attract customer interest is to carry out online marketing, or what is better known as digital marketing. In response to these market changes, business actors must be able to utilize digital technology to expand market reach.

"This training is also to support local economic growth and advance the MSME sector in Pekanbaru. Now I understand how to promote products or services via internet media such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and various commerce applications. We were even taught how to create sales catalogs that attract attention consumers," said Sutrisno.(release)

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