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Apical Builds New Complex for Elementary School in Lubuk Gaung
Sabtu, 11 Januari 2025 - 13:49:11 WIB

DUMAI – Apical Group is supporting the building of the new complex for Public Elementary School 001 Lubuk Gaung, which is situated in Lubuk Gaung sub-district, Sungai Sembilan subdistrict, Dumai city, Riau.

The building of Public Elementary School 001 Lubuk Gaung, an elementary school in the subdistrict area, is presently positioned near a heavy equipment crossing, which is disrupting teaching and learning activities and should be relocated to a safer and more pleasant location for students.

The new facility was built due to a cooperation between the Apical Group and the Dumai City Government, which used 4,800 square meters of Apical-provided land. Aside from the SDN 001 Lubuk Gaung building, two additional structures will be erected on this land: the Sungai Geniot sub-district office and the official house of the Sungai Sembilan sub-district head.

The mayor of Dumai, H. Paisal, and his staff attended the groundbreaking. Several politicians were present, including the Head of the Sungai Sembilan District Police, the Head of the Riau Malay Traditional Institution, the Lubuk Gaung Village Head, and the Sungai Geniot Village Head.

Meanwhile, Apical's Director of Social, Security, and License, Gunawan Sumargo, General Manager Apical Dumai, Albert Kwek, and Head of SSL Apical Dumai, Muslim Ibrahim, were also there.

“It's like getting a blessing; since cooperating with Apical, the Dumai City Government has won several awards from both the central and provincial governments. We appreciate Apical's cooperation in the construction of this school; to complete its function, the Dumai City Government will finish the access road to the school,” remarked H. Paisal at the event's being released.

Accompanied by Gunawan Sumargo, Director of Social, Security and License Apical, they witnessed the initial process of building a new complex which is expected to be ready to welcome students in the next academic year.

Apical thinks that education is one of the cornerstones to a country's success. Apical is taking meaningful initiatives to help, one of which is the development of the new Public Elementary School 001 Lubuk Gaung complex.

“This is a strategic step as well as a concrete manifestation of our commitment to support and increase opportunities for future generations to access quality education and adequate facilities,” concluded Gunawan. (released)


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