
Investor Pasar Modal Indonesia Melonjak, Tembus 15 Juta di Awal 2025
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Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council Requests for Luxurious Farewell Events and School Study Tours to be Cancelled
Selasa, 11 Februari 2025 - 06:28:40 WIB

PEKANBARU – Niar Erawati, Chairman of Commission III of the Pekanbaru City Regional People's Representative Council, has requested that elementary and middle schools in Pekanbaru City stop from having farewell celebration during the 2025 academic year. Especially ceremonial activities that cost a lot of money, such study vacations out of town.

“We urge the school not to hold farewell events that are ceremonial in nature and burden the parents or guardians of students,” said Niar on Monday, October 2, 2025.

This Democrat politician also said that schools were urged not to conduct study trips outside of the city. This is to limit the possibility of events that might be harmful and endanger student safety as a consequence of the growing number of tourist bus accidents.

“There are safety factors that need to be considered in this study tour agenda, and to avoid undesirable things it is best not to hold it. If you really want to hold it, make it as simple as possible and just hold it at school,” said Niar.

Niar recommended the school to follow the suggestion provided by Commission III and the Pekanbaru Education Service. However, if it is not acceptable for the field, Niar requests that the public or student parents report it to Commission III for further action.

For the information, Commission III of the Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council has made an agreement that the farewell ceremony for elementary and middle school students can be held in their respective school buildings. The aim is not to burden parents and guardians of students.

Tekad Indra Pradana Abidin, Deputy Chair of Commission III of the Pekanbaru City Regional People's Representative Council, made this statement during a recent joint meeting with the Pekanbaru City Education Office, the Pekanbaru Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association, and Principals of State Elementary and Junior High Schools.

“For the farewell event, we decide that state elementary and middle school will be held at school. If there is a need for food and drink, parents can bring food. Or if consumption is for school, that's a lot of food money,” said Tekad.

Apart from the farewell, PDIP politician added that schools were also advised not to hold study tour activities outside the school environment. This is to reduce the risk of things happening that could be detrimental and threaten student safety as a result of the increasing number of tourist bus accidents.

“We have appealed because this is going viral everywhere, and many study tours are taking a large number of victims. We argue that it would do greater damage, and swimming is currently outlawed by the Education Department until we figure out how to make it safe,” he said.

Author: Mimi Purwanti
Editor: Riki


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