
Sindikat Jual Bayi Online di Pekanbaru Dibongkar, 6 Orang Ditangkap Polisi
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PT EPP Fails to Pay Fuel Costs for Environmental and Forestry Service Official Vehicles in Pekanbaru
Senin, 20 Januari 2025 - 22:57:07 WIB

PEKANBARU – The Pekanbaru City Government's deadline for declaring a trash emergency is only a few days away. However, the issue of mounds of waste persists.

Zulkardi, a member of Commission IV of the Pekanbaru City Regional People's Representative Council, discussed the situation once again. He concluded that Pekanbaru's Waste Emergency status, declared by the Pekanbaru City Government on January 15, 2025, has been ineffective in dealing with the issue of waste mounds in Riau Province's capital.

PT Ella Pratama Perkasa's (EPP) achievement as the winner of the trash transportation contract was discussed as well during the Pekanbaru trash Emergency.

"Based on regard to today's emergency status, I believe it is ineffective since PT Ella has no more vehicles. In reality, it has been augmented by automobiles provided by the Pekanbaru City Government,” Zulkardi said on Monday (20/1/2025).

Zulkardi received a report that PT Ella Pratama Perkasa had not paid for fuel oil (BBM) for the Environment and Forestry Service's waste operational service car.

In fact, according to the contents of the dictum in the Pekanbaru Mayor's Decree Number 236 of 2025 concerning the Determination of Emergency Status for Waste, which was determined to begin on January 15 and end on January 21, 2025, one of the costs of fuel oil for transportation operations will be carried by a third party who has been designated as a waste transportation service provider.

Within the facts, Pekanbaru City Government awarded PT EPP a waste transportation contract valued at IDR 33 billion for the next six months beginning in January 2025.

“In the circular it has been explained that the oil will be provided by PT Ella. But in reality PT Ella has not paid for the oil, so what is this? How is that possible? I have all the videos. Complete,” he said.

This PDIP politician is dissatisfied with the performance of PT Ella Pratama Perkasa. The firm was ruled ineligible to earn a 6-month garbage transportation contract in 2025 due to Pekanbaru City's growing waste pile issue.

"Yes, it's a shame that the company I've been warning about from the start has now become a reality,” said Zulkardi.

Author: Mimi
Editor: Riki


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