
Makan Bergizi Gratis di Riau Belum Bisa Dimulai, Ini Penyebabnya
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The Regional People's Representative Council Exposes Clues of Activities Between Auction Winners and The Local Authorities, as Garbage Piles in Pekanbaru Overflow
Sabtu, 04 Januari 2025 - 12:28:46 WIB

PEKANBARU - Several locations in Pekanbaru City will be littered with garbage by early 2025. Pekanbaru citizens are concerned about this, since waste is stacking up not just on highways, but also at public facilities such as the Pekanbaru Trans Metro Bus Stop.

In reality, according to halloriau.com's findings, one of the Trans Metro Pekanbaru bus stops on HR Soebrantas street, Tabek Gadang, Pekanbaru City, was plagued with garbage collisions owing to insufficient trash transportation.

Not only that, but mountains of garbage were spotted pouring onto Singgalang street in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru, making the local residents uneasy.

Ronie Amriel MH, Secretary of Commission IV of the Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council, responded strongly to this situation. He declared clearly that his team at Commission IV had cautioned that the garbage situation in Pekanbaru should be addressed ideally.

“This is a result of improper handling during the transition period. There should not have been any accumulation of waste if special attention had been paid to how to handle waste so that it was handled optimally at the beginning of the work period,” said Roni Amriel.

According to the Chairman of the Golkar Fraction of the Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council, his party proposed extending the transportation of this garbage some time ago, but it was nonetheless compelled to be turned over to a third party. This also raises suspicion since the contract's value is extremely high.

“We have advised that trash transportation be expanded first, with opportunity for an addition, but they are still being pressured to tender,” Roni said.

Roni also does not deny that there are indications of gamesmanship over the appointment of PT Ella Pratama Perkasa (EPP), which has clearly not been optimal in handling waste in the city of Pekanbaru so far.

“Yes, it could be (an indication of the game) and seem forced,” he said again.

Roni stressed that Commission IV of the Regional People's Representative Council of Pekanbaru City would shortly convene to summon the Pekanbaru City Environment and Cleanliness Service.

Including, the Head of the Department in charge of Electronic Procurement Service auctions to ensure whether the auction process meets the terms and conditions.

“In the near future we will call whether the auction meets the requirements of the Presidential Decree on Procurement of Goods and Services. Then why not use the addendum space to extend the contract for 6 months so that the elected regional head can express his vision and mission regarding waste processing in Pekanbaru City,” he explained.

Roni does not want the auction of high-value garbage to be misused by particular parties. As a result, law enforcement officers were also urged to spotlight the 2025 waste transportation auction procedure in Pekanbaru City.

“Because the budget is so huge, law enforcement authorities are keeping an eye on it. Meanwhile, the Mayor said that the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget is in deficit by IDR300 billion, but we are still renting out IDR70 billion in trash. Even if we wish to contract out, privatize waste processing at the Final Processing Site so that it generates revenue. Original from the area,” conclueded Roni.

Author: Mimi
Editor: Riki


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